This repository contains all the script and files used to create Lysmarine images.
The ready to use image and documentation can be found at
Since version 0.9.X Lysmarine now have it's custom build tool to be able to compile for multiple single boards computer.
At this time, The tested SBCs are :
- RaspberryPi 3 (armhf and arm64)
- PineA64 LTS (based on the Pine64so kernel)
- Liveusb
- Desktop install
Lysmarine probably build out of the box for most armbian supported SBC, it's just a matter of testing and reporting it.
This repository contains 2 section. The install-scripts
contain all the steps needed to create lysmarine on a fresh
install while cross-build-release
contain the necessary scripts to download the upstream os, mount them, build
lysmarine and repackage them for distribution.
The repository also include instructions for circle-ci continuous integration and automatic deployment.
apt install git
git clone
sudo mv ./lysmarine_gen/install-scripts /
cd /install-scripts
sudo chmod -v u+w *.sh
sudo ./
When the build script is done, you need to reboot. Few things are configured on the first boot.
Install Dependencies
apt install proot qemu qemu-user git live-build (v1:20190311)
Clone repository
git clone
cd ./lysmarine_gen/cross-build
sudo chmod -v u+w *.sh
Build examples:
cd ./lysmarine_gen/cross-build
sudo ./ raspios arm64
sudo ./ raspios arm64 customBuild '0 2 4 8'
sudo ./ raspios arm64 TEST bash
The usage goes like this:
Usage: baseOS processorArchitecture lmVersion stagesToBuild
baseOs options are raspios|armbian-pine64so|debian-live|debian-vbox
processorArchitecture are armhf|arm64|amd64
If you want to have a prompt instide the build env use 'bash' as stagesToBuild argument
Contributors are welcome.
If you are not sure what it means to contribute to an opensource project or github scare you. Message me on facebook (I speak english and french).
If you don't know where to start, fixing a typo can be enough. There also some issues in the bug tracker marked as 'good first issue'.
If something bigger bother you or you would like to add a feature. Plz open an issue before making a Pull Request so we can discuss it.
Lysmarine and it's scripts are distributed under GPLv3 Copyright © 2021 Frederic Guilbault
Included Content that belong to others entities are distributed under their respective licences.