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Deep Learning Model that aims to classify everyone of the 151 pokemons from the first generation.

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Deep Learning Model that aims to classify everyone of the 151 pokemons from the first generation.


My goal is to design, train and deploy a Deep Learning model that can classify the 151 pokémon of the first generation, regardless of whether it is art work, hand drawing, anime scenes or stuffed animals and figurines.

Some of the use cases I want to give to the model are: A mobile application that, when capturing images with the camera, can determine which pokémon it is. The other is quite similar, but instead of a mobile application, an Arduino / Raspberry Pi system. That is, a Real Pokedex. But before I start with these two projects, I want to complete at least 80% of the pokémon (121/151).


How am I doing it?

To achieve this, the first thing I do is, with an automated script, obtain online images of the pokémon in question, unfortunately several services like Google Images or Pinterest, make it quite difficult when doing WebScraping (at least for my current knowledge), therefore, for certain pokémon I must manually search for images, or check that the images extracted by the script are not dirty.


I am using Python, Tensorflow and Keras. In order to deploy the model and consume it as API, I am using FastAPI.


Unfortunately, most of the Datasets that I found online are images that do not serve the purpose of the model, since they are images without visual noise, without background, and generally of repeated sprites. Given this problem, I am creating the Dataset myself, for the moment, a small one with 350 images per class.



I am currently in the eighth architecture of the Deep Learning model. Previously I had to discard quite a few because they did not generalize or classify well or did not meet my self-imposed 75% accuracy criterion. Model number 8 has 84% accuracy and currently classifies correctly the pokémon you can see below (at the to-do section), including hand drawings, art work or anime scenes.



Icon Meaning

🟨 🟩
Uninitiated In process Done


Pokédex List

Dex number Pokémon Img Amount Status
1 Bulbasaur 350 🟩
2 Ivysaur 350 🟩
3 Venusaur 350 🟩
4 Charmander 350 🟩
5 Charmeleon 350 🟩
6 Charizard 350 🟩
7 Squirtle 350 🟩
8 Wartortle 350 🟩
9 Blastoise 350 🟩
10 Caterpie 350 🟩
11 Metapod 350 🟩
12 Butterfree 350 🟩
13 Weedle 350 🟩
14 Kakuna 350 🟩
15 Beedrill 350 🟩
16 Pidgey 350 🟩
17 Pidgeotto 50 🟨
18 Pidgeot 50 🟨
19 Rattata 0
20 Raticate 0
21 Spearow 0
22 Fearow 0
23 Ekans 0
24 Arbok 0
25 Pikachu 0
26 Raichu 0
27 Sandshrew 0
28 Sandslash 0
29 Nidoran♀ 0
30 Nidorina 0
31 Nidoqueen 0
32 Nidoran♂ 0
33 Nidorino 0
34 Nidoking 0
35 Clefairy 0
36 Clefable 0
37 Vulpix 0
38 Ninetales 0
39 Jigglypuff 0
40 Wigglytuff 0
41 Zubat 0
42 Golbat 0
43 Oddish 0
44 Gloom 0
45 Vileplume 0
46 Paras 0
47 Parasect 0
48 Venonat 0
49 Venomoth 0
50 Diglett 0
51 Dugtrio 0
52 Meowth 0
53 Persian 0
54 Psyduck 0
55 Golduck 0
56 Mankey 0
57 Primeape 0
58 Growlithe 0
59 Arcanine 0
60 Poliwag 0
61 Poliwhirl 0
62 Poliwrath 0
63 Abra 0
64 Kadabra 0
65 Alakazam 0
66 Machop 0
67 Machoke 0
68 Machamp 0
69 Bellsprout 0
70 Weepinbell 0
71 Victreebel 0
72 Tentacool 0
73 Tentacruel 0
74 Geodude 0
75 Graveler 0
76 Golem 0
77 Ponyta 0
78 Rapidash 0
79 Slowpoke 0
80 Slowbro 0
81 Magnemite 0
82 Magneton 0
83 Farfetch’d 0
84 Doduo 0
85 Dodrio 0
86 Seel 0
87 Dewgong 0
88 Grimer 0
89 Muk 0
90 Shellder 0
91 Cloyster 0
92 Gastly 0
93 Haunter 0
94 Gengar 0
95 Onix 0
96 Drowzee 0
97 Hypno 0
98 Krabby 0
99 Kingler 0
100 Voltorb 0
101 Electrode 0
102 Exeggcute 0
103 Exeggutor 0
104 Cubone 0
105 Marowak 0
106 Hitmonlee 0
107 Hitmonchan 0
108 Lickitung 0
109 Koffing 0
110 Weezing 0
111 Rhyhorn 0
112 Rhydon 0
113 Chansey 0
114 Tangela 0
115 Kangaskhan 0
116 Horsea 0
117 Seadra 0
118 Goldeen 0
119 Seaking 0
120 Staryu 0
121 Starmie 0
122 Mr. Mime 0
123 Scyther 0
124 Jynx 0
125 Electabuzz 0
126 Magmar 0
127 Pinsir 0
128 Tauros 0
129 Magikarp 0
130 Gyarados 0
131 Lapras 0
132 Ditto 0
133 Eevee 0
134 Vaporeon 0
135 Jolteon 0
136 Flareon 0
137 Porygon 0
138 Omanyte 0
139 Omastar 0
140 Kabuto 0
141 Kabutops 0
142 Aerodactyl 0
143 Snorlax 0
144 Articuno 0
145 Zapdos 0
146 Moltres 0
147 Dratini 0
148 Dragonair 0
149 Dragonite 0
150 Mewtwo 350 🟩
151 Mew 350 🟩


Deep Learning Model that aims to classify everyone of the 151 pokemons from the first generation.






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