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AI Diplomacy:

Extended AI Features (Experimental)

This repository is an extension of the original Diplomacy project. This repository has been extended to integrate multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) into Diplomacy gameplay. These extensions are experimental, subject to change, and actively in development. The main additions are as follows:

  • Conversation & Negotiation: Powers can have multi-turn negotiations with each other via They can exchange private or global messages, allowing for more interactive diplomacy.
  • Order Generation: Each power can choose its orders (moves, holds, supports, etc.) using LLMs via Currently supports OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, DeepSeek
  • Phase Summaries: Modifications in the engine allow the generation of "phase summaries," providing a succinct recap of each turn's events. This could help both human spectators and the LLMs themselves to understand the game state more easily.
  • Prompt Templates: Prompts used by the LLMs are stored in /prompts/. You can edit these to customize how models are instructed for both orders and conversations.
  • Experimental & WIP: Ongoing development includes adding strategic goals for each power, more flexible conversation lengths, and a readiness check to advance the phase if all powers are done negotiating.

How it Works


    • Orchestrates a Diplomacy game where each power's moves are decided by an LLM.
    • Manages conversation rounds (currently up to 3 by default) and calls get_conversation_reply() for each power.
    • After negotiations, each power's orders are gathered concurrently (via threads), using get_orders() from the respective LLM client.
    • Calls game.process() to move to the next phase, optionally collecting phase summaries along the way.

    • Defines a base class (BaseModelClient) for hitting any LLM endpoint.
    • Subclasses (OpenAIClient, ClaudeClient, etc.) implement generate_response() and get_conversation_reply() with the specifics of each LLM's API.
    • Handles prompt construction for orders and conversation, JSON extraction to parse moves or messages, and fallback logic for invalid LLM responses.
  3. Modifications in (Engine)

    • Added a _generate_phase_summary() method and phase_summaries dict to store short textual recaps of each phase.
    • Summaries can be viewed or repurposed for real-time commentary or as additional context fed back into the LLM.

Future Explorations

  • Longer Conversation Phases: Support for more than 3 message rounds, or an adaptive approach that ends negotiation early if all powers signal "ready."
  • Strategic Goals: Let each power maintain high-level goals (e.g., "ally with France," "defend Munich") that the LLM takes into account for orders and conversations.
  • Enhanced Summaries: Summaries could incorporate conversation logs or trending alliances, giving the LLM even richer context each turn.
  • Live Front-End Integration: Display phase summaries, conversation logs, and highlights of completed orders in a real-time UI. (an attempt to display phase summaries currently in progress)

Diplomacy Map Overview


The complete documentation is available at

Getting Started


The latest version of the package can be installed with:

pip install diplomacy

The package is compatible with Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.

Running a game

The following script plays a game locally by submitting random valid orders until the game is completed.

import random
from diplomacy import Game
from diplomacy.utils.export import to_saved_game_format

# Creating a game
# Alternatively, a map_name can be specified as an argument. e.g. Game(map_name='pure')
game = Game()
while not game.is_game_done:

    # Getting the list of possible orders for all locations
    possible_orders = game.get_all_possible_orders()

    # For each power, randomly sampling a valid order
    for power_name, power in game.powers.items():
        power_orders = [random.choice(possible_orders[loc]) for loc in game.get_orderable_locations(power_name)
                        if possible_orders[loc]]
        game.set_orders(power_name, power_orders)

    # Messages can be sent locally with game.add_message
    # e.g. game.add_message(Message(sender='FRANCE',
    #                               recipient='ENGLAND',
    #                               message='This is a message',
    #                               phase=self.get_current_phase(),
    #                               time_sent=int(time.time())))

    # Processing the game to move to the next phase

# Exporting the game to disk to visualize (game is appended to file)
# Alternatively, we can do >> file.write(json.dumps(to_saved_game_format(game)))
to_saved_game_format(game, output_path='game.json')

Web interface

It is also possible to install a web interface in React to play against bots and/or other humans and to visualize games.

The web interface can be installed with:

# Install NVM
curl -o- | bash

# Clone repo
git clone

# Install package locally
# You may want to install it in a conda or virtualenv environment
cd diplomacy/
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

# Build node modules
cd diplomacy/web
npm install .
npm install . --only=dev

# In a terminal window or tab - Launch React server
npm start

# In another terminal window or tab - Launch diplomacy server
python -m

The web interface will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

To login, users can use admin/password or username/password. Additional users can be created by logging in with a username that does not exist in the database.

Visualizing a game

It is possible to visualize a game by using the "Load a game from disk" menu on the top-right corner of the web interface.

Network Game

It is possible to join a game remotely over a network using websockets. The script below plays a game over a network.

Note. The server must be started with python -m for the script to work.

import asyncio
import random
from diplomacy.client.connection import connect
from diplomacy.utils import exceptions


async def create_game(game_id, hostname='localhost', port=8432):
    """ Creates a game on the server """
    connection = await connect(hostname, port)
    channel = await connection.authenticate('random_user', 'password')
    await channel.create_game(game_id=game_id, rules={'REAL_TIME', 'NO_DEADLINE', 'POWER_CHOICE'})

async def play(game_id, power_name, hostname='localhost', port=8432):
    """ Play as the specified power """
    connection = await connect(hostname, port)
    channel = await connection.authenticate('user_' + power_name, 'password')

    # Waiting for the game, then joining it
    while not (await channel.list_games(game_id=game_id)):
        await asyncio.sleep(1.)
    game = await channel.join_game(game_id=game_id, power_name=power_name)

    # Playing game
    while not game.is_game_done:
        current_phase = game.get_current_phase()

        # Submitting orders
        if game.get_orderable_locations(power_name):
            possible_orders = game.get_all_possible_orders()
            orders = [random.choice(possible_orders[loc]) for loc in game.get_orderable_locations(power_name)
                      if possible_orders[loc]]
            print('[%s/%s] - Submitted: %s' % (power_name, game.get_current_phase(), orders))
            await game.set_orders(power_name=power_name, orders=orders, wait=False)

        # Messages can be sent with game.send_message
        # await game.send_game_message(message=game.new_power_message('FRANCE', 'This is the message'))

        # Waiting for game to be processed
        while current_phase == game.get_current_phase():
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    # A local copy of the game can be saved with to_saved_game_format
    # To download a copy of the game with messages from all powers, you need to export the game as an admin
    # by logging in as 'admin' / 'password'

async def launch(game_id):
    """ Creates and plays a network game """
    await create_game(game_id)
    await asyncio.gather(*[play(game_id, power_name) for power_name in POWERS])

if __name__ == '__main__':, 1000))))

## License

This project is licensed under the APGLv3 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details


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