A GPS-RTK2 Board which incorporates the u-blox ZED-F9P dual band (L1 + L2) GNSS receiver. This Sky Horse fork allows for an OLED screen display to visualize the GNSS activity sent from the guide on how to assemble a GNSS PPK RAWX Logger from an Adafruit Feather M0 Adalogger and a SparkFun Adalogger and F9P uBlox module, including showing the filename of the log file.
The RAWX files logged by this project can be processed using rtklibexplorer's version of RTKLIB
See https://skyhorsetech.com/recent-projects/how-to-add-rtk-to-pixhawk-uas for further info on this project.
See https://github.com/SkyHorseTech/F9P_RAWX_Logger for the files below showing the background of the process. These files were originally created by https://github.com/paulzc in creating his logger, we added in some additional functionality for LCD screen and now OLED:
SOFTWARE.md describes how to install the Arduino IDE and all the libraries you will need for this project
HARDWARE.md describes how to connect the Adalogger to the SparkFun GPS-RTK2 board
UBX.md describes how the Arduino code communicates with the F9P using the u-blox UBX binary protocol to enable and log the RAWX messages
The Arduino directory contains the Arduino code.