I have uploaded every Amiibo .Bin and .NFC file I could get my hands on. I have NOT tested all of these but I have tested most, so please let me know if there is a problem.
Amiibo data are stored on the physical Amiibo as a .bin file.
.Bin file - raw data from physical Amiibo
.NFC file - the file needed to write to an NFC tag/card or send via nfc to your switch, this emulates a physical Amiibo.
Note: You won't need the .bin files unless you just want them as some sort of backup. You would need to convert them to nfc if you wanted to use them. Most likely you're only here for the .nfc files.
I have included a rough "how-to" guide explaining what you would need to use to write the .nfc to a tag or how to emulate it directly to your Switch.
- None reported
- None reported
- Looking into Ganondorf/Link/Zelda (TotK) are reportedly not working.
- None to report
If you have any bins/nfcs that are not in there and wish to share or have any problems, please contact me here so I can troubleshoot and/or update the DB.
Added More amiibo (.bin/.nfc) to the list:
- [Splatoon] Callie (Alterna)
- [Splatoon] Marie (Alterna)
- [Splatoon] Marina (Side Order)
- [Splatoon] Pearl (Side Order)
Added Missing Files:
- [TLoZ:ToK] Gerudo_King.bin
- [TLoZ:ToK] Princess_Zelda.bin
- [PowerUpBands] Gold Mario.nfc
Uploaded more .bin/.nfc files:
- [Xenoblade] Noah
- [Xenoblade] Mio
- [SSB] Sora
Uploaded more .bin/.nfc files:
- [SSB] Pyra
- [SSB] Mythra
- [Splatoon] Big Man
- [Splatoon] Shiver
- [Splatoon] Frye
- [TLoZ:ToK] Zelda
- [TLoZ:ToK] Ganondorf
Also added a markup version of the guide so the .docx file doesn't have to be downloaded.
Uploaded more .bin files:
- Mario 30th Classic
- Mario 30th Modern
- Super Mario Cereal
- [SSB] Kazuya
- [SSB] Mythra
- [SSB] Pyra
- [SSB] Sephiroth
Uploaded more .nfc files:
- [SSB] Kazuya
- [SSB] Mythra
- [SSB] Pyra
- [SSB] Sephiroth
Uploaded all .Bin and .NFC files