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Lightweight Matlab distributed computing based on Redis.


Deploy a cluster of Matlab workers in minutes, without writing a single line of code.


  • Work in parallel with your co-workers on the same cluster.
  • Execute processes that are co-dependent in a DAG-like structure (similar to airflow).
  • "Run on this machine" when a task fails for quick debugging.
  • One GUI to rule them all.


  • On any computer start the start_redis_server.bat file to start the Redis server. Note the hostname, it will be displayed on the cmd window.  
  • Update the hostname in the worker.conf file.  
  • Start a worker on any computer that is on the same network as the host using the start_worker.bat.
  • On any computer that is on the same network add the repository folder to the Matlab path and run
    mrc.new_task("disp('hello world')")

Our terminology

  • Task - A Matlab command. A task jas the following attributes:
       - command: A Matlab command in string or char format.
       - id: An integer value that is assigned when the task is sent to the cluster for execution.
       - key: A string in the form "task:X" where X is the task ID. The task key is returned when sending the task to the cluster.
       - status: one of "pre-pending"/"pending"/"finished"/"failed".
       - path2add: (optional) a folder path to add the Matlab environment when executing a task.
       - requirements: (optional) a cell array of task keys, the task will not be executed until all requirements are finished.  
          A task with non-finished requirements will be assigned a status of "pre-pending".
       - fail_policy: "halt" (default) or "continue". If the fail policy is "continue" the dependent tasks will see this task as finished.
       -  Additional attributes: created_by ("computer/user"), created_on (datetime), worker (worker key or "None").
  • Worker - An instance of Matlab that executes tasks. A worker has the following attributes:
       - key: Assigned automatically, in the form of "worker:X" where X is an integer.
       - computer: The host of the worker.
       - user: The user that started this worker.
       - status: on of "active"/"suspended"/"dead".
       - Additional attributes: started_on (datetime), current_task (task key or "None"), last_command (string), last_ping (datetime).  


  • new_task(command, varargin): command is char or cell array of commands. returns the task keys. varargin include:
    • 'addpath', path2folder (char)
    • 'fail_policy', 'halt'(default)/'continue'
    • 'dependencies', task_keys (char/cell array)
  • flush_db(): stop all tasks, clear all history, and restart workers.
  • get_cluster_status()
  • join_as_worker()
  • redis_cmd(command): run redis command on redis server. command can also be cell array.
  • start_redis_server()
  • start_worker()
  • wait(): stops matlab execution while there are pending tasks.
  • GUI: image

How it works?

The interaction with Redis is executed through Redis-CLI (in Batch files) and MatlabRedis client (in Matlab).

Some examples from the code base.

When a worker joins the worker pool it takes and ID:

INCR workers_count

In order to set the worker details we used HMSET, e.g.

HMSET worker:1 status active current_task None

In the actual codebase we wrote an abstucion layer that transforms Matlab's structs to redis hashes (and vise versa).
We keep track on all active workers using a set, so when a worker joins it runs the command:

SADD available_workers <worker_key>

When a new task is sent to the server the following lua script runs:

EVALSHA script_sha_here 5 <task_matlab_cmd> <created_by> <created_on> <path2add> <fail_policy>
local task_id ='INCR','tasks_count'); 
local task_key = 'task:' .. task_id;
local command = KEYS[1];
local created_by = KEYS[2];
local created_on = KEYS[3];
local path2add = KEYS[4];
local fail_policy = KEYS[5];
local task_status; 
for idx=1,#ARGV,1 do 
    if'HGET', ARGV[idx], 'status') ~= 'finished' then'LPUSH', task_key .. ':dependencies', ARGV[idx]);'LPUSH', ARGV[idx] .. ':prior_to', task_key);
if #ARGV == 0 then'RPUSH', 'pending_tasks', task_key);
    task_status = 'pending';
elseif'LLEN', task_key .. ':dependencies') == 0 then'LPUSH', 'pending_tasks', task_key); task_status = 'pending'; 
else'RPUSH', 'pre_pending_tasks', task_key); task_status = 'pre_pending'; 
end;'HMSET', task_key, 'key', task_key, 'id', tostring(task_id),
    'command', command, 'created_by', created_by, 'created_on', created_on,
    'path2add', path2add, 'status', task_status, 'fail_policy', fail_policy,
    'worker', 'None', 'str', '[' .. created_on .. '] ' .. command); 
return task_key

After a task is finished, the folowing redis commands are sent by the worker:

LREM active_tasks 0 <task_key>
LPUSH finished_tasks <task_key>
HMSET <task_key> finished_on <datetime> status finished str <task_str>

When a task is finished it is noted in the time series

TS.ADD finished_tasks_Q <time> <task_id>

Then when we visualize the progress we use

TS.RANGE finished_tasks_Q - +

There are hundreds of uses of Redis across the project and several abstraction layers.


Lightweight Matlab distributed computing based on Redis







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