This project demonstrates how to observe network connectivity changes in an Android application using Kotlin Coroutines and Dagger Hilt.
The application observes changes in network connectivity status and displays corresponding messages in the UI. It utilizes the Android ConnectivityManager to register a network callback and receive notifications about network status changes.
- Observes network connectivity changes in real-time.
- Displays messages indicating the current network status (e.g., Available, Unavailable, Losing, Lost) in the UI.
The project follows a clean architecture pattern, with the following layers:
- Presentation Layer: Contains UI-related components such as activities, fragments, and view models.
- Domain Layer: Contains business logic and use cases.
- Data Layer: Contains classes for data retrieval and manipulation, including the
for observing network connectivity changes.
- Android Jetpack components (ViewModel, StateFlow)
- Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous programming
- Dagger Hilt for dependency injection
- AndroidX libraries for UI components and lifecycle management
- Upon launching the app, the current network status will be displayed.
- As network connectivity changes occur, the UI will update to reflect the new status.