Github-User-Activity Public
A simple command line interface (CLI) to fetch the recent activity of a GitHub user and display it in the terminal.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 25, 2024 -
CLI-Task-Tracker Public
This is a simple command-line interface (CLI) application for managing tasks.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 24, 2024 -
DSA Public
This repository contains solutions to Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) questions from Striver's.com implemented in JavaScript.
Thrifty Public
Thrifty is a full-featured e-commerce web application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). It provides a seamless online shopping experience with a robust user authe…
myPorfolio Public
Welcome to my portfolio website! This is where I showcase my projects, share my resume, and blog about my experiences and insights in web development.
Library-Management Public
The Library Management System is a full-stack application that manages users, books, transactions, and more. It consists of a backend API and a frontend web application.
User-Management Public
This project is a user management web application. The application consists of two main pages: a Dashboard page and a People Directory page.
Youtube-Clone Public
A full-stack YouTube clone application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) that mimics the core features of YouTube, including video upload, playback, user authentication, …
Digital-Clock Public
This project is a simple React application that displays a digital clock. The clock updates every second to show the current time in a 12-hour format with AM/PM indication.
GeminiGPT Public
GeminiGPT is an advanced language model based on the Gemini GPT architecture. It provides powerful natural language processing capabilities, enabling users to generate human-like text based on give…
Tic-Tac-Toe Public
This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game allows players to choose whether to play as "X" or "O" and to select the difficulty level between easy and ha…
currencyConverter Public
Currency Converter Website! This project is built using React and Vite, allowing users to convert currencies effortlessly.
2048-Game Public
This repository contains a browser-based implementation of the popular puzzle game "2048", where the goal is to combine tiles to reach the elusive 2048 tile.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 18, 2024 -
dragNDropSortableList Public
This is a simple website that demonstrates how to implement a drag and drop sortable list using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
HTML UpdatedApr 16, 2024 -
vite-project Public
This project is a clone of the Nike website built using Vite. It aims to replicate the layout and design of the official Nike website, providing users with a similar browsing experience.
stopwatch Public
This is a simple stopwatch website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to start, pause, and reset the stopwatch.
passwordGenerator Public
This React + Vite Password Generator is a simple web application that allows users to generate passwords of varying lengths according to their needs. Users can customize the length of the password …
Weather-App Public
This Weather Website App allows users to search for the weather of a particular city. It fetches real-time weather data such as temperature, wind speed, humidity, and visibility factors using the O…
Quotes-Generator Public
This web application provides users with an inspirational quote that changes automatically every five seconds. Additionally, users can click on a button to manually generate a new quote
book-my-show-clone Public
This project is a responsive web page inspired by the popular online ticketing platform BookMyShow. It features a sleek and modern design aimed at providing users with an immersive browsing experie…
phone-case-cover-site Public
Welcome to CASED, your one-stop destination for stylish phone case covers! CASED offers a wide range of phone case designs to suit every style and preference. Whether you're looking for protection,…
instagram-clone Public
This project is a simplified version of Instagram, featuring dynamic post and story addition using JavaScript, as well as supporting both dark and light themes. The design is responsive to ensure a…
calender Public
EventMaster Calendar is a simple yet powerful web application that allows users to organize their schedules effectively by adding multiple events to any date they choose. Built using HTML, CSS, and…
calculator Public
This web application provides users with a basic calculator functionality to perform arithmetic operations easily and efficiently.
hex-color-background-project Public
Forked from romeojeremiah/hex-color-background-projectA project similar to the background color change project. This time it includes a random hex color output along with the backgrounds.