Sphynx is a markdown-based terminal parser for easily creating HTML files!
As there are no official releases yet, please follow the build instructions below to install.
- Ensure that you have Rust installed. If not, download according to your operating system here
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/AnAngryRaven/sphynx
- Change into the appropriate directory:
cd your/local/directory/here
- Build:
cargo run
To use, simply run the application, and begin typing in Markdown! When finished, simply ctrl+z
to exit, and the program will generate an appropriate .html file in its directory.
Note that functionality is currently limited (to put it mildly) due to the freshness of this project.
The following is a list (in no particular order) of what I consider to be "base functionality", or the bare minimum for the application to be considered "complete":
- Proper parsing of Markdown syntax
- File name customisation
- Custom output paths
- Non-malformed HTML / CSS outputs
- Editing of user-specified files
Below is a list of features that are planned, besides getting the base functionality to work:
- Allow for insertion of a custom CSS file into the generated document
- Allow for a boilerplate tag, to permit customisation of tags
- Allow for pre-existing markdown files to be automatically parsed, without opening in the editor first
- More to come I'm sure!
This project mostly exists to help me learn Rust, though I do have a genuine use case for it!
I want to replace my currently existing Wordpress site with just static webpages, and I thought it'd be interesting to develop something like this to help me easily generate each of the pages, instead of needing to code them in HTML each time. A full-blown WYSIWYG seemed like a little too large of a scope, so I went with a simple terminal application.
Due to the above, currently contributions aren't generally accepted!
Note that when base functionality is achieved, this will 100% change ^_^