Haram Tool (Hacker Web Penetration Master Tool)
Haram Tool is Software Web Penetration Testing.
- Intro sound.
- Art Text Ascii
- SQL Injection Manual(Check website vuln,comand SQL Injection manual Order By, Union Select, and Union Select(check database,database version, show table and show column))(Comingsoon all commands)
- SQLMap
- XSS visit: New Version Release
- Clickjacking visit: New Version Release
- DDOS(Comingsoon)
- DNS Poisoning(Comingsoon)
- Remote Code Execution(Comingsoon)
- Python: https://www.python.org/downloads
- Setting Env Var: System: path/python39/ path/python39/Lib,and path/python39/Lib/Scripts
- Library: pyfiglet,playsound,and selenium.
- Install Library: pip install name_library.
- Webdriver Chrome latest version or second latest version: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads.
- Google Chrome latest version or second latest version: https://www.google.co.id/chrome/
Developed by: Ananda Rauf Maududi.
Video Documentation: Video Documentation
Contacts me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anandaraufm Email: [email protected]