I'm lazy and don't want to walk out to the chicken coop every night and morning to open and close the door. In the past I had Arduino code running on the ESP32 that had web pages, but the webpages were slow and unreliable and I never really dug into the issue. Then we had a short in the coopMaster program that was causing the ESP32 to stop working. Enter Home Assistant and ESPHome! This repo moves all coop related items into 1 repo instead of 2 different repos. Eventually I'll put the coopMaster on an ESP dev board and get everything on the coop controllable in Apple HomeKit for the entire family.
- coop door control deployed in ESP Home
- Status LEDs
- 4 LEDs on front of coop
- Blue: ESP status pin
- Red: door open
- Yellow: door moving
- Green: door closed
- 2 LEDs in controller case
- Blue: unused
- Red: door stopped
- 4 LEDs on front of coop
- Local physical buttons
- Up/Stop/Down
- one set outside, one set inside controller case
- bump buttons
- one for up, one for down
- for if/when the door get's beyond the limit switches
- Up/Stop/Down
- reed sensors
- one for door open
- one for door closed
- motor controller
- motor is 24vdc motor
- MQTT handled by Home Assistant on door status change
- Status LEDs