- Melbourne
raspifb16 Public
Framebuffer utilities for the Raspberry Pi
drmfb32 Public
A C++ library and code for using the KMS/DRM 32 bit framebuffer
raspidmx Public
Some examples using the DispmanX API on the Raspberry Pi
raspibar Public
Raspberry Pi Blank and Run is a program that puts a blank layer in front of the Raspberry Pi framebuffer and runs a program
raspi2png Public
Utility to take a snapshot of the Raspberry Pi screen and save it as a PNG file
raspi2raspi Public
Program to copy from one Raspberry Pi display to another Raspberry Pi display
raspi2fb Public
Program to copy the Raspberry Pi display to a secondary framebuffer.
dmxwebcam Public
A webcam (v4l2) viewer for the Raspberry Pi console.
raspberry_pi_revision Public
C code to decode the Revision: field of /proc/cpuinfo on the Raspberry Pi
userland Public
Forked from raspberrypi/userlandSource code for ARM side libraries for interfacing to Raspberry Pi GPU.
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 23, 2024 -
swiftbar-bom Public
A Swiftbar plugin to retreive and display the current weather from the Bureau of Meteorology
qtsize Public
A very small Qt program for testing window fullscreen
picosys-life Public
Conway's Game of Life for the Pimoronia Picosystem
picosys-boxworld Public
Boxworld/Sokoban for the Pimoroni Picosystem
picosys-15-puzzle Public
15 Puzzle for the Pimoroni Picosystem
raspi_serialnumber Public
example C code to retrieve the Raspberry Pi Serial Number
print_image Public
Python script to print an image to a Linux terminal
cpp-netlib Public
Forked from cpp-netlib/cpp-netlibThe C++ Network Library Project -- cross-platform, standards compliant networking library.
C++ Boost Software License 1.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2023 -
fb2png Public
Save Linux frambuffer (/dev/fb0) to a PNG image file.
AnalogButtonManager Public
Arduino library to manage button multiplexed on a single analog input using different resistances
libSSD1306 Public
Linux C++ library to drive an SSD1306 128x64 Oled display with I2C interface
libHD44780Lcd Public
Linux C++ library to drive an HD44780 LCD with I2C interface
raspi-device-tree Public
Extra device tree files for the Raspberry Pi
documentation Public
Forked from raspberrypi/documentationOfficial documentation for the Raspberry Pi
Ruby Other UpdatedApr 4, 2015 -
rpi-fbcp Public
Forked from tasanakorn/rpi-fbcpRaspberry Pi utility. Used for mirror primary framebuffer to secondary framebuffer.
C UpdatedJul 6, 2014 -
intervalometer Public
Arduino sketch for a camera intervalometer (requires LCD shield compatible with the LiquidCrystal library).