Infinite Red's boilerplate for new Phoenix projects, using Dave Thomas's excellent Elixir project generator.
While Phoenix comes with some good defaults out of the box, if you're building a non-trivial application you'll need to make some different choices. Infinite Red ships Elixir/Phoenix web applications and websites regularly and we've found that using Yarn, Webpack, and some other tooling makes our lives easier.
We plan to keep Firebird up to date and a leading boilerplate for Phoenix applications. Star (and watch, if you want) this repo to show support and keep tabs on our progress!
- Phoenix 1.3
- Yarn (not npm)
- Webpack 2
- Swoosh for email
- Sass with Bourbon and Neat
- Slim templates
- Heroku Procfile, buildpack configs
- Batteries included (scripts)
Note that Firebird requires Elixir 1.4.0+.
$ mix archive.install hex mix_generator
$ mix archive.install hex mix_templates
$ mix template.install github infinitered/firebird
$ mix gen firebird <your_project_name>
$ cd <your_project_name>
$ bin/setup
The MIT License (MIT), copyright (c) 2017 Infinite Red, Inc.