A bundle of Inkscape extensions useful for Laser Cutting/Engraving.
This bundle is meant primarily for the use of the Knox Makers members on the Knox Makers laser cutter but might be useful to others. If you are using this for your own laser there are likely preset values that you will need to edit the settings in kmlaser_presets.py.
Copy all the files from extensions
, templates
, and palettes
to their respective Inkscape directories and then restart Inkscape.
Linux and Mac:
(Program files)\Inkscape\share\extensions\
(Program files)\Inkscape\share\templates\
(Program files)\Inkscape\share\palettes\
A big thank you go out to the following projects that were either included or were the base for the KM Laser Bundle:
Gcodetools http://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools
Eggbot and Hershey Text https://code.google.com/p/eggbotcode/downloads/
Tabbed Box Maker http://www.keppel.demon.co.uk/111000/111000.html