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This library aims to add a low friction way to track changes in state, and allow for simple navigation through state history with undo() and redo() functions. It is compatible with SwiftUI, UIKit, Observable and Combine, with drop in support for your views and models.

Basic Usage

Consider the following model, that demonstrates recursive nesting, an enum with associated values and a collection:

struct Activity: Identifiable {

    let id: UUID
    var title: String
    var priority: Priority
    var childActivities: [Activity]

    enum Priority {
        case low
        case medium(dueDate: Date?)
        case high(dueDate: Date, reason: String)

In order to make this type versionable, meaning it is able to track changes, simply annotate the types with the @Versionable macro:

struct Activity: Identifiable {

    let id: UUID
    var title: String
    var priority: Priority
    var childActivities: [Activity]

    enum Priority {
        case low
        case medium(dueDate: Date?)
        case high(dueDate: Date, reason: String)

This macro needs to be applied to the declaration of all custom types you wish to track changes on, including nested types. It can be applied to struct and enum types, and will synthesize code that registers all mutable properties to be tracked.

There will be cases when there are properties you don't wish to track or apply undo / redo actions to, such as an lastUpdated property. In this instance, allowing the library to overwrite and undo updates to the property breaks the contract implied by the property's name. The @VersionableIgnored macro instructs the library not to track changes on a property:

var lastUpdated: Date

To actually track changes made to a Versionable type, create a model containing an instance of the type, an annotate it with the @Versioning macro:

struct Model {
    var activity: Activity = .mock

This will synthesize tracking code for each variable property, and can be used on any class, struct, enum or actor type.

To perform version tracking actions, access the projected value of the property being tracked:

let model = Model(
    activity: Activity(
        id: .init(),
        title: "Title",
        priority: .low,
        childActivities: []
model.activity.title = "New title"
model.activity.priority = .high(dueDate: .now, reason: "Important reason")
model.$activity.undo() // model.activity.childActivities -> []
model.$activity.undo() // model.activity.priority -> .low
model.$activity.undo() // model.activity.title -> "Title"
model.$activity.redo() // model.activity.title -> "New title"

Changes can be tracked and applied through enum cases, collections, computed properties etc. For instance:

model.activity.childActivities[0].childActivities[1].priority.reason += " - updated"

Assuming we've made a reason computed property on the Priority, this will construct a key path to the individual change on the child activity, enabling efficient tracking and reversion of the change.

NOTE: The tracking code synthesized by the macro depends on the model declaration. For @Observable and ObservableObject declarations the version tracking interface is available at _$activity. This is due to naming collisions with property wrappers. For more information see the @Versionable section.

In the case that the model is @Observable or an ObservableObject, the macro will also create code that triggers view updates in SwiftUI automatically when needed.

In most cases, you don't want to have version tracking for all properties on a model. The @Versioning macro allows you to specify any number of properties to track. By default, if no properties are specified, then all are tracked.

struct Model {
    var activity: Activity = .mock
    var notTracked: Activity = .mock

model.$notTracked // Value of type 'Model' has no member '$notTracked'

Unfortunately, macros can't make use of KeyPath types for the type it is attached to, so the properties to be tracked must be provided as strings for now.

That's all that needs to be done to get started with state tracking, however there are more methods available to the tracking interface, as well as other ways to use this library should the above code not fit your purpose.


Swift Package Manager is the best way to include this library in your project. To do so, add a dependency pointing to and be sure to add it as a dependency to your target of choice.

Alternatively you may download the source and include it directly in your project.

Why not UndoManager?

The UndoManager in Foundation is cumbersome to use, with a lot of boilerplate involved in adding undo and redo actions. With it being closure based, it can be easy to let a retain cycle slip in, while also possibly retaining full copies of large state data, just in case the undo action is applied.

Consider a situation where a large nested model has a minor change made. A naive approach would be for the UndoManager to hold on to the entirety of the old value, in case it is needed in an undo action. A better approach would be to just track what has changed and where, but this adds more complexity to an already bloated method of tracking changes.

This framework aims to ease those pains, with piecewise storage of only what has changed in a value, and a simple interface with which to push versions of a value onto the version stack. When an updated value is pushed onto the version stack, each property is inspected for changes, recursively, so that only the individual values that have changed are used. These values are then stored alongside their KeyPath in a lightweight struct. If no changes have occurred, then nothing happens. These Reversion values can then be applied to the updated object to revert it to the previous state.

This method means that individual reversions do not know about the object that created them, resulting in a lower memory footprint and no risk of a memory leak. The Reversion type is what drives this framework.

The framework has been designed to support basic types such as Int and Bool out of the box, as well as other common types such as UUID and basic collections like Data, String, Array etc. This allows more complex types to be used by combining these basic implementations.

Additional features

There are other features wrapped into the version tracking interface available through the projected value. In addition to the standard undo() and redo() functions, there are the hasUndo and hasRedo properties that indicate whether or not versioning actions are available.

The setWithTransaction(_:) functions allow multiple changes to be applied in a single transaction, which is tracked as a single modification, and is undone in it's entirety by a single undo() call.

model.$activity.setWithTransaction { activity in
    activity.title = "New title"
    activity.priority = .medium(dueDate: nil)
model.$activity.undo() // model.activity.title -> "Title" && model.activity.priority -> .low


Scopes act as barriers separating collections of undo and redo actions. A root scope is always created by default, and new scopes can be pushed using the pushNewScope() function and popped using the popCurrentScope() function. The current scope level can be inspected using the scopeLevel property, which is 0 indexed. Versions can only be pushed to and used on the current scope, enforcing the separation of different groups of modifications.

For instance, say some state is used across several screens. When a child screen is pushed, and a new scope is pushed at the same time, all the modifications made on the child screen are stored in that new scope, and can be abandoned using the undoAndPopCurrentScope() function, or squashed into a single change and appended to the previous scope using the popCurrentScope() function. This means that when the user returns to the previous screen, all of those changes can be undone atomically with a single undo() call.

model.activity.title = "New title"
model.$activity.pushNewScope() // model.$activity.scopeLevel -> 1 && model.$activity.hasUndo -> false
model.activity.priority = .medium(dueDate: nil)
model.$activity.popCurrentScope() // model.$activity.scopeLevel -> 0 && model.$activity.hasUndo -> true
model.$activity.undo() // model.$activity.childActivities -> [] && model.$activity.priority -> low

There are similarities between scopes and transactions, with the exception being that scopes are open ended.


A version can be tagged with some Hashable value for future reference using the tag(_:) function. You can then undo or redo to that version by passing the tag to the undo(to:) or redo(to:) functions. You cannot pop a scope this way, and can only revert to a tag within the current scope. To see all tags within a scope, use the tags(inScopeLevel:) function that returns a tuple of AnyHashable? arrays, containing all action tags, even if they are nil nil.

model.activity.title = "New title"
model.activity.priority = .medium(dueDate: nil)
model.activity.childActivities = Activity.mock(count: 3)

model.$activity.undo(to: "without-child") // model.activity.childActivities -> []
print(model.$activity.tags()) // (["original", nil, "without-child"], ["with-child"])

Error handling

Most functions in the versioning interface are capable of throwing an error when a reversion can't be applied. Under the hood, every reversion holds on to the hashValue of the version of the object that was used to create it. When applying that reversion, if the hashValue of the object being reverted doesn't match the stored value in the reversion, then a ReversionError is thrown.

In most cases, the risk of this error being thrown is negligible, as the reversions and the objects being reverted are managed for you, however the function signatures are still marked as throwing. This can lead to an annoying situation where you must wrap all calls in a do-catch block an handle errors you know will not get thrown.

To remove this boilerplate error handling, many of the versioning interfaces used, including the @Versioning macro, allow you instruct it to handle errors itself and assign them to some property. The @Versioning macro has an errorMode parameter, that accepts a VersioningErrorHandlingMode enum case:

  • throwErrors causes any potentially throwing function on the versioning interface to be marked as throws, meaning the caller will handle any thrown errors.

  • assignErrors causes the potentially throwing functions to instead automatically handle their errors and assign them to a property available to the @Versioning type.

    • In most cases, this is available at model.$activity.error, however for @Observable and @ObservableObject types, the error is assigned to property on that type. The name of the property is provided as a String in the associated value. If no name is provided then versioningError is used. This property can be declared manually, but must be of type Error? or (any Error)? if it is. If it is not declared manually, then the macro will synthesize the property for you.

Standard model

@Versioning(errorMode: .assignErrors)
struct Model {
    var activity: Activity = .mock
model.$activity.undo() // đź‘Ť
model.$activity.error  // ReversionError?

@Observable model

@Versioning(errorMode: .assignErrors("myError"))
final class Model {
    var activity: Activity = .mock
model._$activity.undo() // đź‘Ť
model.myError           // (any Error)?

Throwing standard model

@Versioning(errorMode: .throwErrors)
struct Model {
    var activity: Activity = .mock
model.$activity.undo() // Call can throw but is not marked with 'try'
try model.$activity.undo() // đź‘Ť

Modification debouncing

By default, every change to a tracked object is stored as a separate version. This makes sense in most instances, such as adding or removing a value from a collection, but consider the case of a user typing in a text field. Each individual character added or removed from the string will be stored as a new version. This essentially means that every key press they do is a new version, and when attempting to undo changes, it will only undo one character at a time. This is more cumbersome than manually using the backspace key, and is not what users expect from an undo function.

To overcome this, most versioning interfaces accept a debounce interval parameter. This prevents modifications made in quick succession each being stored as a separate version, and instead groups them together in one bulk change. In the typing example above, pressing the undo button on debounced typing will undo the previous burst of typing, instead of each character.

Most versioning interfaces accept a Duration instance, with the exception of @Versioning which currently doesn't work with Duration due to a Swift compiler bug causing a crash when attempting to use the provided duration instance in the synthesized code. Therefore, for now, the @Versioning macro accepts a positive integer number of milliseconds for the debounce interval.

Consider the following code, that aims to replicate rapid user typing:

model.activity.title = "N"
model.activity.title += "e"
model.activity.title += "w"
model.activity.title += " "
model.activity.title += "t"
model.activity.title += "i"
model.activity.title += "t"
model.activity.title += "l"
model.activity.title += "e"

model.$activity.undo() // model.activity.title -> "New titl"

In this case every new character is stored as a new version. Now let's add a debounce interval:

@Versioning(debounceMilliseconds: 200)
struct Model {
    var activity: Activity = .mock

... // Set new title character by character

model.$activity.undo() // model.activity.title -> "Title"

The individual character alterations have been squashed into a single change, that can all be undone in one call.

Deep dive

The above covers the majority of the features and use cases that will get you started with the library. The following sections go into detail on each aspect of the library, starting at the lowest level with the components that drive it all and going up to the convenient interfaces.

Making a type revertible

The first thing you'll need to do to make use of the library is make a type able to produce a diff between two versions of itself. This diff can then be applied to the current version to revert it to it's previous state. At the base level, this is what drives the library. Whenever a value is changed, the previous value is stored alongside it's KeyPath in a single Reversion object. Multiple changes are stored as collections of these Reversion objects, and the composability of KeyPath is used to allow reversions to be mapped on to parent objects.

The way the library constructs these Reversion objects is through the Revertible protocol. The Versionable protocol builds on top of that to provide a cleaner interface for creating a Reversion and the Versionable macro provides a default conformance for the protocol.

Revertible protocol

This protocol defines the basic interface for tracking changes. The conforming type implements the reversion(to previous: Self) -> Reversion<Self>? function. The implementation compares the current value to the provided previous value. If they are the same, then it returns nil, and if they have changes, then some Reversion is returned.

This is a strictly functional interface and is not directly called that often. Additionally, the concrete Reversion types required to conform this protocol manually are not public, and so this cannot be conformed to directly on custom types. Instead the Versionable protocol is implemented.

Note This protocol extends Hashable, which is used to confirm the hashValue of an object before reverting it, and because a lot of logic makes use of Equatable.

Versionable protocol

This type extends the Revertible protocol, and provides a default implementation for reversion(to previous: Self) -> Reversion<Self>? and in its place requires a addReversions(into reverter: inout some Reverter<Self>) implementation. This function provides a Reverter<Self> instance that you use to register key paths to check for changes.

The Reverter is a type that allows key paths to be registered and checked for changes. It includes several appendReversion(at:) functions that accept key paths to basic types, such as Int, Bool, String, Array etc., as well as ones that allow other Versionable types to be checked, allowing for deep checks in nested types.

It also has the hasChanged(at:) function to check for changes before registering them, and appendOverwriteReversion(at:) that does not perform any diffing, and instead stores a whole value to overwrite the existing value when the reversion is applied. This is less performant, but can be hepful with enum types when changing between cases.

Each registered key path will be checked for any differences between versions and only those with changes will be stored. This allows multiple changes on an object to be stored in a single call. The @Versionable macro creates an implementation for this protocol, providing all mutable stored properties as key paths.

The implementation for the Activity struct would look like this:

extension Activity: Versionable {
    func addReversions(into reverter: inout some Reverter<Self>) {
        reverter.appendReversion(at: \.title)
        reverter.appendReversion(at: \.priority)
        reverter.appendReversion(at: \.childActivities)

Note that the id property has not been included as it is immutable.

Versionable macro

The implementations for Versionable are simple for the most part, requiring simple boilerplate code, similar to a basic Codable implementation. It's also possible to forget to update the function when a new property is added to a model.

enum implementations are a little more complex too, where tracking both the case and any associated values need to be tracked efficiently.

The @Versionable macro synthesizes all of this boilerplate code for you. The Activity extension in the previous section will be synthesized for you, and every mutable used in a reverter.appendReversion(at:) call. If you wish to ignore a property, then the @VersionableIgnored can be used to indicate to the macro that it shouldn't track it. The @VersionableIgnored macro can only be applied to struct properties, as in an enum, individual associated values are required to track self at all.

When attached to an enum, the synthesized code is a little more involved. For example, when applied to the Activity.Priority, the following code is synthesized:

extension Activity.Priority: Versionable {

    func addReversions(into reverter: inout some Reverter<Self>) {
        guard reverter.hasChanged(at: \.caseName) == false else {
            reverter.appendOverwriteReversion(at: \.self)
        reverter.appendReversion(at: \.medium_dueDate)
        reverter.appendReversion(at: \.high_dueDate)
        reverter.appendReversion(at: \.high_reason)

    private enum CaseName {
        case low
        case medium
        case high

    private var caseName: CaseName {
        switch self {
        case .low:
        case .medium:
        case .high:

    private var medium_dueDate: Date? {
        get {
            guard case let .medium(medium_dueDate) = self else {
                return nil
            return medium_dueDate
        set {
            guard case .medium = self, let newValue else {
            self = .medium(dueDate: newValue)

    private var high_dueDate: Date? {
        get {
            guard case let .high(high_dueDate, _) = self else {
                return nil
            return high_dueDate
        set {
            guard case let .high(_, high_reason) = self, let newValue else {
            self = .high(dueDate: newValue, reason: high_reason)

    private var high_reason: String? {
        get {
            guard case let .high(_, high_reason) = self else {
                return nil
            return high_reason
        set {
            guard case let .high(high_dueDate, _) = self, let newValue else {
            self = .high(dueDate: high_dueDate, reason: newValue)

The extension contains private getters and setters for every associated value on each case, a nested enum mirroring the attached type, but with no associated values, and the addReversions(into:) function declaration. First, when checking any changes, the code will check if the case has changed. If so then the whole value is overwritten to provide an initial value for the associated values. If the case is the same, then the associated values are checked for changes.

Using a revertible type

There are a few ways of actually using a revertible type, from handling each reversion individually to letting macros do everything. At it's core, this library gives you a diff between two objects that can be applied to the newer version to return it to it's previous state.


This type contains a single change from one version of a value to another. This single change can contain multiple individual changes along multiple key paths. The revert(_ object: inout Root) throws function provides functionality to revert the current version of the value back to the previous version.

It is important to remember that a Reversion can only be applied to the version of the value that was used to make it. For instance, if an Activity has it's title changed, and a reversion back to the previous title made, and then the title changed again, the created reversion will not work on the current value, as the value has changed since the reversion was created. This is done to prevent Reversion objects being applied in the incorrect order and jumbling the state.

let original = Activity(
    id: .init(),
    title: "Title",
    priority: .low,
    childActivities: []

var mutable = original
mutable.title = "New title"
let reversion = mutable.reversion(to: original) // Reversion<Activity>
mutable.title = "Newer title"

try reversion?.revert(&mutable) // throws error

These Reversion objects are created for each version of an object. They can be applied in order to navigate through the whole history of an object. Managing these objects is a chore though, so the VersioningController has been made to do this for us.


The VersioningController tracks changes to a type and organises the Reversion objects for you, ensuring they are always applied in the correct order. It can track changes in a single value, so it is best to consolidate your state into a single type. It is the type that is used in all of the versioning interfaces to do all of the work.

It is the VersioningController that manages scopes, undo() and redo() functions, version tagging as well as error handling. In fact, the dollar syntax projected values in the macros are VersioningController instances. Each version is manually appended to the controller, which is then checked for changes and added to the version stack of the current scope.

There are a few different ways to use the VersioningController. They are mostly the same, but there are some finer points to be aware of.

Direct tracking

Direct tracking is the simplest implementation, and is used by creating an instance with the init(_:) initializer. Use this method when you want to track an entire object at the root level. For instance if you have some state you don't own but still want to track from some other type, such as when state is provided by some third party library or @Environment.

Once an instance has been made, versions can be pushed using the append(_ newValue: _) function, which will check for any changes and store them in the version stack. Versions are stored in a last in - first out basis. The status of the VersioningController can be inspected with the hasUndo and hasRedo properties, and there are a couple of undo and redo variations available. One implementation for each function returns the undone / redone value, and the other accepts an inout parameter that is updated in place.

This allows you to version external state. For those enjoying TCA, this is the best way to manage your reducer's State.

let controller = VersioningController(activity)
activity.title = "New title"
try controller.undo(&activity)

Note activity = try controller.undo() and try controller.undo(&activity) are functionally identical.

Key path tracking

Key path tracking is functionally the same as the direct tracking method, but it accepts a WritableKeyPath in the public init(on root: _, at keyPath: _) initializer. This allows you to point to just a single property of a value to track, and also provides convenience methods that allow you to push and revert versions using the Root value of the key path.

let controller = VersioningController(
    on: activity,
    at: \.priority

activity.title = "New title"
controller.append(root: activity) // Append the whole root object, but only priority is checked for changes, so no new version is stored on the stack

// Priority has changed, so a new version is appended.
activity.priority = .medium(dueDate: nil)

try controller.undo(root: &activity)

Note activity.priority = try controller.undo(), try controller.undo(root: &activity) and try controller.undo(&activity.priority) are functionally identical.

Key path tracking still has the direct tracking interface available for use, should it be preferred.

Reference key path tracking

Reference key path tracking is the same as key path tracking, but when the Root type of the key path is a reference type. This allows the VersioningController to hold on to a weak reference of the root, and read and write properties directly on that weak reference. This mode provides more basic appendCurrentVersion(), undo() and redo() functions that don't accept any parameters or return any values, but instead directly read and write to the root object.

// model is a class
let controller = VersioningController(
    on: model,
    at: \.activity

model.activity.title = "New title"
try controller.undo() // model.activity.title -> "Title"

Reference key path tracking still has the interface for the other two modes available for use, meaning that model.activity = try controller.undo() and try controller.undo(root: &model) are still valid.

@Observable and ObservableObject types

Having to manually append versions to the controller can be an annoyance, especially if it's a user facing state that needs to be manually tracked after every change. Calling append() all over your model in a didSet is messy and easy to forget. VersioningController has support @Observable and ObservableObject conforming root objects, to automatically be notified of changes and append them for you.

For an @ObservableObject object, then there is an overload of the init(on:at:debounceInterval:) initializer that will use the ObservableObjectPublisher on the root to be notified of changes, and trigger updates in SwiftUI. This functionality should happen automatically as long as the correct initializer is being used.

@Observable objects are a little different. The root can be observed easily, but in order to notify SwiftUI of updates, the VersioningController requires the ObservationRegistrar of the instance. Therefore, there is another initializer that accepts an ObservationRegistrar instance.

In both cases, the VersioningController will trigger an update whenever a versioning function is used (undo() or redo()), when a new version is appended, whenever there is a change to the scope, and whenever an error is produced. This allows your UI to stay up to date with not only the state being tracked, but also the state of the controller itself, allowing you to bind UI elements directly the controller with confidence.

Scope details

The scopes are useful for setting up barriers between versions and grouping versions, allowing you to squash groups of versions into a single change, or discard the changes in the current scope altogether. Internally, versions are stored in stacks, one is the undo stack and the other is the redo stack. Each scope contains one of these stack pairs, and all versions are appended to the stack in the current scope.

Scopes are best used when changing focus in a form, such as when pushing new screens that focus on a part of your state, and popped or discarded when leaving that screen. There is no set limit on the number of scopes you can make.

To explicitly carry out multiple changes in a single version change, is is best to use the setWithTransaction(_:) functions instead of scopes.

Scopes must always be explicitly pushed and popped, and an undo or redo call will NEVER alter the current scope.

Tag details

A tag can be applied to a version either it is explicitly appended to the VersioningController using the append(_:tag:) function or similar. When versions are automatically appended for you, you can instead tag the latest version using tagCurrentVersion(_:). When a version is tagged, you can use it as a waypoint when navigating the version stack by calling the undo(to:) and redo(to:) functions. You cannot navigate to a tag from another scope, as you must always explicitly handle your scopes.

When using either undo(to:) or redo(to:) you will always end up on the version that was tagged. There is an important distinction between versions of the state and the modifications between them. You tag a version, and not the changes that made that version. When performing an undo to a tag, you will undo all changes up to but not including the tagged changes. When performing a redo to a tag, you will redo all changes including the tagged changes.

Error handling details

Error handling has been made dynamic thanks to typed error throwing. VersioningController has a generic Failure type that conforms to the Error protocol and is thrown by much of it's interface. When a VersioningController has been initialized with a key path to place any encountered errors, then it has a Failure type of Never, otherwise it is ReversionError. The initializer that accepts an error key path retains a weak reference to the Root object, and creates a closure with the signature (ReversionError) throws(Failure) -> Void, allowing errors to be handled internally.

This type of error handling can only be used when the root object on the VersioningController is a reference type, such as a class based view model. The @Versioned can handle errors for you in value types.

Debouncing details

Debouncing changes is something you are likely to use when versioning mutable user facing state. Other than the unfortunate limitations of the macro parameters only being able to accept a number of milliseconds, it behaves as you would expect from Combine or Async Algorithms. In fact, when used with an ObservableObject, the combine debounce publisher is used directly. In other cases, a custom implementation is used, which is designed to mirror other, first party implementations.

When using an initializer that accepts a debounceInterval, you can also specify the clock / scheduler to use to measure that interval. By default the ContinuousClock or DispatchQueue.main are used, depending on which initializer is called. This allows you to test your versioned objects with test clocks, so your tests don't need to sleep while waiting for values to be debounced. If relying on the macros, you will need to overwrite the default VersioningController or @Versioned property wrappers in your tests in order to inject your custom clock. In order to change the debouncing clock in tests, use the withDebouncing(clock:, interval:) function on VersioningController or the @Versioned projected value. On ObservableObject types, use withDebouncing(scheduler:interval:) instead.

@Versioned property wrapper

The @Versioned property wrapper is relatively simple. It owns an instance of VersioningController and uses it to directly track the wrappedValue. The versioning interface is available through the projected value using dollar syntax, but it does not directly provide the VersioningController. Instead it provides a cut down interface that makes sense for the value based tracking being carried out. This interface still gives access to scopes, tags, transactions etc.

The error handling on @Versioned is similar to VersioningController, but instead of accepting a key path to store the error, it will store the error internally on the $value.error property on the projected value. If you'd rather handle errors yourself, then the @ThrowingVersioned property wrapper will cause the interface to throw errors instead of catching them.

@Versioning macro

All of the above can be a bit much to remember. Which initializer to use, error handling, whether or not @Versioned can be used or not. The @Versioning macro aims to join all of this together into a single call. It will check the type it is attached to for @Observable or ObservableObject and will apply the appropriate tracking method for each. If neither are there, then the default @Versioned approach is used.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


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