Write a text file, named [groupname].md
with the following format per member:
* Name:
* Nickname:
* Github:
* Major:
* E-mail:
* Favorite Game(s):
* Class Expectations:
For example, if Ken Lee and Kennoth Lah decides to form a group named foobar, they should create a file named foobar.md
* Name: Ken Lee
* Nickname: Can
* Github: pc_rulez123
* Major: 3-BS CS
* E-mail: [email protected]
* Favorite Game(s): The World Ends with You, Hearthstone
* Class Expectations: Bring it on!
* Name: Kennoth Lah
* Nickname: Cannot
* Github: xbrox
* Major: 3-BS CS
* E-mail: [email protected]
* Favorite Game(s): Guild Wars 2, Shadow of the Colossus
* Class Expectations: To discover my own worth in this world of never-ending possibilities.
Don't forget to submit a pull request to me afterwards!