A universal Parsec based, parser toy inspired by pandoc and aimed at parsing heterogeneous formats
This is a testbed application for diferent parsers, its current uses include:
A Universal parser tool aimed at automatic parsec based generation of line oriented formats
A genereic Email envelope parsing tool
A Computational Chemistry:
- EMSL basis exchange files, used in the HaskellFock Project (https://github.com/felipeZ/Haskell-abinitio)
- Molcas output parser tool, used in HsDynamics (https://github.com/AngelitoJ/HsDynamics)
- Gaussian 2k3 Chekpointing parsing tool, used in HsDynamics
This app is based around another of my pets projectscalled HsApp (The BareBones app)
If you find these bits useful. please let me know!