Problem statement -
Create a spring boot project using Gradle with the following requirements
1. There will be 2 users (ADMIN, READER).
2. ADMIN can perform CRUDE operations like POST, DELETE, PATCH, etc.
3. READER can perform only GET operation.
4. Create a REST API called create_data which creates a table in the database with the
name 'user_location'.
5. user_location will have three fields NAME, Latitude, and Longitude.
6. user can update the user_location table using another REST API called update_data
7. READER can call the get_users/N which returns the nearest N users from the location
E.g GET http://base_url/get_users/5 will return the nearest 5 users from (0,0);
You need to create 3 rest API
a) create_data
b) update_data
c) get_users/N
Note: Use HSQL in-memory database for the database work. your code should be able
to create a table with no manual script required.
- Java: jdk11
- Spring Boot: 2.7.10
- Gradle: 7.6.1
- Dependencies:
- spring-boot-starter-web
- spring-boot-starter-validation
- javax.servlet-api
- hsqldb
- spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
- lombok
- spring-boot-starter-security
- spring-boot-starter-test
- spring-security-test
Project Structure: user_location_ambula\src\main\java\com\example\user_location_ambula\
- Controllers: Contains AuthController & TestController
- Services: Contains UserService i.e. the business logic for all the APIs
- Entities: Contains UserLocation table that we are going to store in database
- Repositories: Contains UserRepository that helps to perform CRUD operations on tables
- Config: Contains Spring Security Configurations
- Utils: Contains Calculate Distance helper method