These assignments are a part of Cloud Computing Course [ IT-Workshop II ] ( CS351 ) - AWS
Contents :
- Python Warmup.
- Python program using boto to launch an t2.micro instance along with startup script to install Apache server and copy the website files from S3 to the instance.
- Python program using boto that creates an Amazon AutoScaling group. [ along with 2nd assignment ].
- Boto to deploy the application using AWS Beanstalk and configure autoscaling and configure AWS cloud front as CDN to deliver the contents.
- Python program using boto that creates a the RDS instance with MariaDB/Mysql as database and the corresponding tables.
- Docker, Containers, VMs [ Using containers for deploying the applications to the cloud ]
- Hadoop Map-Reduce [ Mapper, Reducer ].
- Hadoop Map-Reduce [ Mapper, Reducer, Combiner ].
- Clustering the data using Elastic Map Reduce ( EMR ) and Apache Spark.