A Telegram CC Checker Bot with hella lotta features.
Admin Panel
- Ban a user
- Unban a user
- Mute a user
- Unmute a user
- Check Global bot stats
- Check CC Checker stats of a user
Anti-Spam System
- Users have to wait a certain amount of time before performing the next task
- You can customize the time in config/config.php
Checker Stats System
- Number of Live and Dead CC Checked by a User, and All users will be Visible
≡ User Stats - Total Cards Checked: 25 - Total CVV Cards: 4 - Total CCN Cards: 2 ≡ Global Checker Stats - Total Cards Checked: 30 - Total CVV Cards: 8 - Total CCN Cards: 7
Stripe Merchant [User]
- Users can add their own SK Key and check CCs with the added SK Key
💳 CC Checker
/ss | !ss - Stripe [Auth] /sm | !sm - Stripe [Merchant] /schk | !schk - User Stripe Merchant [Needs SK] /apikey sk_live_xxx - Add SK Key for /schk gate /myapikey | !myapikey - View the added SK Key for /schk gate
📡 Other Commands
/me | !me - User's Info /stats | !stats - Checker Stats /key | !key - SK Key Checker /bin | !bin - Bin Lookup /iban | !iban - IBAN Checker
- Download the Files from Here
- Upload it to your Server and Extract it
- Edit config/config.php file and set Admin ID, Logs ID, DB Credentials and SK Keys
- Import checkerbot.sql file into your Database through PHPmyAdmin
- Set Webhook to main.php in root folder of bot
Click Here to go to Heroku Version
If you're feeling generous and want to support this project, you can donate