Pleco is a chess Engine inspired by Stockfish, written entirely in Rust.
This project aims to utilize the efficiency of Rust to create a Chess Bot with the speed of modern chess engines.
The internal Board Implementation aims to have the following features upon completion
- Bitboard Representation of Piece Locations:
- Ability for concurrent Board State access, for use by parallel searchers
- Full Move-generation Capabilities
- Statically computed information (including Magic-Bitboards)
- Zobrist Hashing
- UCI protocol implementation
- Allowing matches against Human Player
The AI Bot aims to have the following features:
- Alpha-Beta pruning
- Multi-threaded search with
- Queiscience-search
- MVV-LVA sorting
- Iterative Deepening
- Aspiration Windows
- Futility Pruning
- Transposition Tables
- Null Move Heuristic
- Killer Moves
Any and all contributions are welcome! Open up a PR to contribute some improvements. Look at the Issues tab to see what needs some help.
Pleco is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE-MIT for details. Opening a pull requests is assumed to signal agreement with these licensing terms.