Commits Title Guidelines:
- Should always be following the structure: "Past verb: Subject. Brief description if needed". Example: "Created: Button component." or "Created: Button. It's based on react native elements."
- The past verbs available to choose from are:
- Created. When created new code from scratch (entire files or features).
- Added. When added external files, assets or code such as dependencies or images.
- Updated. When added new info regarding pre-existing knowledge.
- Removed. When removed an entire file or asset or just a piece of it.
- Fixed. When made enough changes to be considered worth of a bump on the patch number (x.x.Y).
- Polished. When made more efficient some proccess or even if its made for the shake of readability.
- Bump. When increased some number from the semver versioning. It could be major, minor or patch. Example: "Bump: Major".