Demo using messaging with Redis Streams in Golang
Using messaging in practice with Redis streams and Golang
What is?
Redis is an OpenSource non-relational database whose structure includes key-value storage. Redis has strategies for storing data in memory and on disc, guaranteeing fast response and data persistence. The main use cases for Redis include caching, session management, PUB/SUB.
Positive Points
- Supports Topics and Queues
- Persistence on disc (via RDB files)
- High availability (with Clustering)
- High Throughput
- Allows reprocessing
- Consumer Groups
- Minimal latency
- No need for zookeper
- Takes up far fewer resources than Kafka/RabbitMQ
Negative Points
- No guaranteed delivery order (yet)
- Processed messages with error not returned for redistribution
Start dockerized execution
make startdocker
Stop dockerized execution
make stopdocker
Download dependencies
go mod tidy
Build project
make build
Start consumer
make consumer
Start publisher
make publisher