A wireless sensor network with ESP32s has been implemented in a star topology for sensor data collection. These data are visualized on a dashboard hosted by a local web server without internet access.
To clone and run this project locally, follow these standard GitHub steps:
git clone https://github.com/AntonioOliveiraa/star-wsn.git
cd star-wsn
gh repo clone AntonioOliveiraa/star-wsn
- PlatformIO IDE for VS Code.
Install the PlatformIO extension in VS Code and follow the instructions to set up your development environment. Follow the platformio.ini file to configure the project.
The project consists of a master node and three slave nodes. The slave nodes collect data from the DS18B20 sensors and send it to the master node via TCP/IP.
- 4x ESP32 Doit Devkit v1
- 3x DS18B20 temperature sensors
- 3x 4.7 KOhm resistors
The dashboard is hosted locally by a web server and displays the collected data in graphs, using the Highcharts.js library in offline mode.
Contains the HTML and highcharts.js files for data visualization. The files must be loaded into the microcontroller's flash memory to be used.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file LICENSE.md for details.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details about our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.
- Antônio Oliveira - Main Developer - AntonioOliveiraa
- Gustavo Marques - Developer - GMFK00
- José Muniz - Developer - ribamarmuniz
- Paulo Fernandes - Analyst - pfs1224
See also the list of collaborators who participated in this project.
- Special thanks to everyone who contributed code and ideas.
- To Professor Paulo Fernandes for the requirements and initial ideas for the project.