chrome-linkedin-oauth demonstrates how to call LinkedIn APIs inside a Chrome application using OAuth2. Here is how we have implemented the auth flow:
Go to LinkedIn Developer Network (, create new application and generate consumer key and secret. use the callback URL in the following form: e.g. I've used this: Note: Path param ANYTHING_HERE is used to distinguish it with redirect URIs from other providers.
Prepare data to launch web auth flow:
var apiKey = '75h1mayvrvgg53';
var redirectUri = '';
var state = "sdfiugsdfhkionmdndsfjksd"; //random string
var options = {
'interactive': true,
Get the token:
chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow(options, function(redirect_url) {
console.log('launchWebAuthFlow completed', chrome.runtime.lastError, redirect_url);
Copyright 2014 AnujaK ([email protected])
Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0