This is a collection of tools that can be used to work with some of the file formats used in Empyrion Galacitc Survival.
A command line tool that parses EPB blueprint files. It can also create rudimentarty blueprints.
- Dump textual content of an EPB file
- Create EPB files
- Set blueprint type
- Set Width, Height and Depth
- Set block to use (For Box and BoxFrame)
- Set block variant to use (For Box and BoxFrame)
- Set CreatorId
- Set CreatorName
- Set OwnerId
- Set OwnerName
- BaseBox: Generate a box of a given size, solid or hollow
- BoxFrame: Generate the "wireframe" of a box of a given size
- BasePyramid: Generate a pyramid with sloped sides of a given size, solid or hollow
- BaseBlockTypes: Generate a series of blocks of increasing type ids. Most likely generates an EPB that can't be spawned. Debug only.
A Windows application with a graphical user interface for examining, modifying or creating EPB files.
- General
- Create structures such as:
- Box: Creates a box within the current blueprint
- Origin - Position of bottom, left, back corner
- Size - Width, height and depth in blocks
- Hole size - Width, height and depth of a box hole at the centre of the box. Leave 0 for no hole
- Hollow - Make the structure hollow
- Thick shell - Make sure that there are no "diagonal gaps" in the shell
- Topless - Cut off the top half of the structure
- Box frame: Creates a frame outline of a box in the current blueprint
- Origin - Position of bottom, left, back corner
- Size - Width, height and depth in blocks
- Pyramid: Creates a pyramid with 45 degree slopes in the current blueprint
- Origin - Position of bottom, left, back corner
- Size - Length of the side of the base square in blocks
- Hollow - Make the structure hollow
- Sphere: Creates a sphere in the current blueprint
- Origin - Position of bottom, left, back corner of the bounding box
- Diameter - Outer diameter in blocks
- Hole diameter - Diameter a spherical hole at the centre of the sphere. Leave 0 for no hole
- Hollow - Make the structure hollow
- Thick shell - Make sure that there are no "diagonal gaps" in the shell
- Topless - Cut off the top half of the structure
- Cylinder: Creates a cylinder in the current blueprint
- Origin - Position of bottom, left, back corner of the bounding box
- Diameter - Outer diameter in blocks
- Hole diameter - Diameter a cylindrical hole at the centre of the cylinder. Leave 0 for no hole
- Hollow - Make the structure hollow
- Thick shell - Make sure that there are no "diagonal gaps" in the shell
- Topless - Cut off the top half of the structure
- Core: Places a core in the current blueprint
- Origin - Position of core
- Core + Lever: (Debug) Create a core and a lever in the current blueprint
- Hull variants: (Debug) Creates one block of each variant for Hull*Small* blocks. Spaced out in a grid
- All blocks: (Debug) Creates one block, variand 0, of each block type that is allowed in the current blueprint. Spaced out in a grid
- Box: Creates a box within the current blueprint
- Create structures such as:
- Summary
- EPB file version
- Blueprint type (Voxel, Base, Hover vessel, Small vessel or Capital vessel)
- Dimensions
- Counters
- Block type counts
- Meta tags
- Device groups
- 3D view of blocks
- Tree view of blocks
- Categories
- Displays content of LCD screens
- Displays block tags
- Identifies selected block in the 3D view
- Graph of logic nodes
- Drag nodes around
- Lists of signal sources, signal targets and circuits
A library for parsed EmPyrion Blueprints.
- Read EPB files up to version 26 (Not all files are read completely)
- Write EPB files as version 26
- Get/set blueprint type ("Voxel", "Base", "Small vessel", "Capital vessel" or "Hover vessel")
- Get/set blueprint dimensions
- Compute dimensions from the current blocks
- Add/modify/remove meta tags (Such as "Creator name", "Group name", "Spawn name", "Ground offset", etc)
- Get/set various counters
- Manually access block type counts (Add/modify/remove)
- Count blocks, attempts to group types that should be grouped but this is not 100% correct yet
- Device groups
- Add/modify/remove device groups and device group entries
- Get/set device group names
- Get/set shortcut connected to the control panel
- Get/set the device entry block reference
- Blocks
- Access block by position or iterate over all blocks
- Add/modify/remove blocks (Adding can be done with single or a list)
- Get/set block type and block variant (child shape)
- Lookups for block type id and names as found in Config_Example.ecf (And some other sources)
- Lookups for block variants as found in BlockShapesWindow.ecf (And some other sources)
- Incomplete groupings for which block types are allowed in which blueprint types
- Incomplete groupings for counting block types
- Get/set block position
- Get/set block rotation
- Get/set damage state
- Get/set colour indices for each side of the block
- Get/set texture indices for all sides of the block
- Get/set texture flip state for all sides of the block
- Get/set symbol indices for all sides of the block
- Get/set symbol rotation for all sides of the block
- Add/modify/remove block tags
- Logic
- Add/modify/remove signal sources, signal targets and signal operators
- Add/modify/remove custom control panel switch names
- Modify custom colour palette entries
A command line tool that parses ECF configuration files.
A Windows application with a graphical user interface for examining, modifying or creating ECF files.
A library for parsed Empyrion Configuration Files.