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JSON Editor

JSON Schema -> HTML Editor -> JSON

JSON Editor takes a JSON Schema and uses it to generate an HTML form.
It has full support for JSON Schema version 3 and 4 and can integrate with several popular CSS frameworks (bootstrap, foundation, and jQueryUI).

Check out an interactive demo:

Download the production version or the development version.


  • A recent version of jQuery
  • A modern browser

Optional Requirements

The following are not required, but will improve the style and usability of JSON Editor when present.

  • A compatible JS template engine (Mustache, Underscore, Hogan, Handlebars, Swig, Markup, or EJS)
  • A compatible CSS framework for styling (bootstrap 2/3, foundation 3/4/5, or jqueryui)
  • A compatible icon library (bootstrap 2/3 glyphicons, foundation icons 2/3, jqueryui, or font awesome 3/4)
  • SCEditor for WYSIWYG editing of HTML or BBCode content
  • EpicEditor for editing of Markdown content
  • Select2 for nicer Select boxes


If you learn best by example, check these out:

The rest of this README contains detailed documentation about every aspect of JSON Editor.




Option Description Default Value
ajax If true, JSON Editor will load external urls in $ref via ajax. false
iconlib The icon library to use for the editor. See the CSS Integration section below for more info. null
no_additional_properties If true, objects can only contain properties defined with the properties keyword. false
refs An object containing schema definitions for URLs. Allows you to pre-define external schemas. {}
required_by_default If true, all schemas that don't explicitly set the required property will be required. false
schema A valid JSON Schema to use for the editor. Version 3 and Version 4 of the draft specification are supported. {}
startval Seed the editor with an initial value. This should be valid against the editor's schema. null
template The JS template engine to use. See the Templates and Variables section below for more info. default
theme The CSS theme to use. See the CSS Integration section below for more info. html

Here's an example using all the options:

  schema: {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      name: {
        description: "Will load from the pre-defined schema passed in during initialization",
        $ref: ""
      age: {
        description: "Will load via ajax.  If the ajax option was false, this would throw an exception",
        $ref: ""
      bio: {
        type: "string",
        format: "markdown"
  startval: {
    name: "John Smith",
    age: 21,
    bio: ""
  ajax: true,
  refs: {
    "": {
      type: "string"
  required_by_default: true,
  no_additional_properties: true,
  theme: 'bootstrap3',
  template: 'underscore',
  iconlib: 'fontawesome4'

*Note If the ajax property is true and JSON Editor needs to fetch an external url, the api methods won't be available immediately. Listen for the ready event before calling them.

$("#editor_holder").on('ready',function() {
  // Now the api methods will be available

Get/Set Value

Set the editor's value

$("#editor_holder").jsoneditor('value',{name: "John Smith"});

Get the editor's value

var value = $("#editor_holder").jsoneditor('value');
console.log( // Will log "John Smith"


When feasible, JSON Editor won't let users enter invalid data. However, in some cases it is still possible to enter data that doesn't validate against the schema.

You can use the validate method to check if the data is valid or not.

// Validate the editor's current value against the schema
var errors = $("#editor_holder").jsoneditor('validate');

if(errors.length) {
  // errors is an array of objects, each with a `path`, `property`, and `message` parameter
  // `property` is the schema keyword that triggered the validation error (e.g. "minLength")
else {
  // It's valid!

By default, this will do the validation with the editor's current value. If you want to use a different value, you can pass it in as a 2nd parameter.

// Validate an arbitrary value against the editor's schema
var errors = $("#editor_holder").jsoneditor('validate',{
  value: {
    to: "test"

Listen for Changes

The change event is fired whenever the editor's value changes. When using macro templates, multiple change events may fire in quick succession.

$("#editor_holder").on('change',function() {});


This removes the editor HTML from the DOM and frees up memory.


CSS Integration

JSON Editor can integrate with several popular CSS frameworks out of the box.

The currently supported themes are:

  • html (the default)
  • bootstrap2
  • bootstrap3
  • foundation3
  • foundation4
  • foundation5
  • jqueryui

The default theme is html, which doesn't use any special class names or styling. This default can be changed by setting the $.jsoneditor.theme variable.

$.jsoneditor.theme = 'foundation5';

You can override this default on a per-instance basis by passing a theme parameter in when initializing:

  schema: schema,
  theme: 'jqueryui'

Icon Libraries

JSON Editor also supports several popular icon libraries. The icon library must be set independently of the theme, even though there is some overlap.

The supported icon libs are:

  • bootstrap2 (glyphicons)
  • bootstrap3 (glyphicons)
  • foundation2
  • foundation3
  • jqueryui
  • fontawesome3
  • fontawesome4

By default, no icons are used. Just like the CSS theme, you can set the icon lib globally or when initializing:

// Set the global default
$.jsoneditor.iconlib = "bootstrap2";

// Set the icon lib during initialization
  schema: schema,
  iconlib: "fontawesome4"

It's possible to create your own custom themes and/or icon libs as well. Look at any of the existing classes for examples.

JSON Schema Support

JSON Editor fully supports version 3 and 4 of the JSON Schema core and validation specifications. The hyper-schema specification is not supported.

$ref and definitions

JSON Editor supports schema references to external urls and local definitions. Here's an example showing both:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "title": "Full Name",
      "$ref": "#/definitions/name"
    "location": {
      "$ref": ""
  "definitions": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "minLength": 5

Local references must point to the definitions object of the root node of the schema and can't be nested. So, both #/customkey/name and #/definitions/name/first will throw an exception.

If loading an external url via Ajax, the url must either be on the same domain or return the correct HTTP cross domain headers. If your urls don't meet this requirement, you can pass in the references to JSON Editor during initialization (see Usage section above).


JSON Editor supports the following values for the format parameter for schemas of type string. They will work with schemas of type integer and number as well, but some formats may produce weird results. If the enum property is specified, format will be ignored.

  • bbcode (requires SCEditor)
  • color
  • date
  • datetime
  • datetime-local
  • email
  • hidden
  • html (requires SCEditor)
  • markdown (requires EpicEditor)
  • month
  • number
  • range
  • tel
  • text
  • textarea
  • time
  • url
  • week

JSON Editor uses HTML5 input types, so some of these may render as basic text input in older browsers.

Here is an example that will show a color picker in browsers that support it:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "color": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "color"


The default array editor takes up a lot of screen real estate. The table and tabs formats provide more compact UIs for editing arrays.

The table format works great when every array element has the same schema and is not too complex.

The tabs format can handle any array, but only shows one array element at a time. It has tabs on the left for switching between them.

Here's an example of the table format:

  "type": "array",
  "format": "table",
  "items": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "name": {
        "type": "string"

Editor Options

Editors can accept options which alter the behavior in some way.

Right now, there is only 1 supported option

  • collapsed - If set to true for the object, array, or table editor, child editors will be collapsed by default.
  "type": "object",
  "options": {
    "collapsed": true
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string" 


Sometimes, it's necessary to have one field's value depend on anothers.

The dependencies keyword from the JSON Schema specification is not nearly flexible enough to handle most use cases, so JSON Editor introduces a couple custom keywords that help in this regard.

The first step is to have a field "watch" other fields for changes.

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "first_name": {
      "type": "string"
    "last_name": {
      "type": "string"
    "full_name": {
      "type": "string",
      "watch": {
        "fname": "first_name",
        "lname": "last_name"

The keyword watch tells JSON Editor which fields to watch for changes.

The keys (fname and lname in this example) are alphanumeric aliases for the fields.

The values (first_name and last_name) are paths to the fields. To access nested properties of objects, use a dot for separation (e.g. "").

By default paths are from the root of the schema, but you can make the paths relative to any ancestor node with a schema id defined as well. This is especially useful within arrays. Here's an example:

  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "object",
    "id": "arr_item",
    "properties": {
      "first_name": {
        "type": "string"
      "last_name": {
        "type": "string"
      "full_name": {
        "type": "string",
        "watch": {
          "fname": "arr_item.first_name",
          "lname": "arr_item.last_name"

Now, the full_name field in each array element will watch the first_name and last_name fields within the same array element.


Watching fields by itself doesn't do anything. For the example above, you need to tell JSON Editor that full_name should be fname [space] lname. JSON Editor uses a javascript template engine to accomplish this. A barebones template engine is included by default (simple {{variable}} replacement only), but many of the most popular template engines are also supported:

  • ejs
  • handlebars
  • hogan
  • markup
  • mustache
  • swig
  • underscore

You can change the default by setting $.jsoneditor.template to one of the following supported template engines:

$.jsoneditor.template = 'handlebars';

You can set the template engine on a per-instance basis as well:

  schema: schema,
  template: 'hogan'

Here is the completed full_name example using the default barebones template engine:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "first_name": {
      "type": "string"
    "last_name": {
      "type": "string"
    "full_name": {
      "type": "string",
      "template": "{{fname}} {{lname}}",
      "watch": {
        "fname": "first_name",
        "lname": "last_name"

Enum Values

Another common dependency is a drop down menu whose possible values depend on other fields. Here's an example:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "possible_colors": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string"
    "primary_color": {
      "type": "string"

Let's say you want to force primary_color to be one of colors in the possible_colors array. First, we must tell the primary_color field to watch the possible_colors array.

  "primary_color": {
    "type": "string",
    "watch": {
      "colors": "possible_colors"

Then, we use the special keyword enumSource to tell JSON Editor that we want to use this field to populate a drop down.

  "primary_color": {
    "type": "string",
    "watch": {
      "colors": "possible_colors"
    "enumSource": "colors"

Now, anytime the possible_colors array changes, the dropdown's values will be changed as well.

The colors examples used an array of strings directly. What if you want to modify the values or are dealing with non-string data? The enumValue keyword lets you specify a template that's used to render each array element.

Here's an example where possible_colors is an array of objects instead of strings.

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "possible_colors": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "text": {
            "type": "string"
    "primary_color": {
      "type": "string",
      "watch": {
        "colors": "possible_colors"
      "enumSource": "colors",
      "enumValue": "{{item.text}}"

In the enumValue template, item refers to the array element. The variable i is also available, which is the zero-based index.

Dynamic Headers

The title keyword of a schema is used to add user friendly headers to the editing UI. Sometimes though, dynamic headers, which change based on other fields, are helpful.

Consider the example of an array of children. Without dynamic headers, the UI for the array elements would show Child 0, Child 1, etc..
It would be much nicer if the headers could be dynamic and incorporate information about the children, such as 0 - John (age 9), 1 - Sarah (age 11).

To accomplish this, use the headerTemplate property. All of the watched variables are passed into this template, along with the static title title (e.g. "Child"), the index i (e.g. "0" and "1"), and the field's value self (e.g. {"name": "John", "age": 9}).

  "type": "array",
  "title": "Children",
  "items": {
    "type": "object",
    "title": "Child",
    "headerTemplate": "{{ i }} - {{ }} (age {{ self.age }})",
    "properties": {
      "name": { "type": "string" },
      "age": { "type": "integer" }

Custom Template Engines

If one of the included template engines isn't sufficient, you can use any custom template engine with a compile method. For example:

var myengine = {
  compile: function(template) {
    // Compile should return a render function
    return function(vars) {
      // A real template engine would render the template here
      var result = template;
      return result;

// Set globally
$.jsoneditor.template = myengine;

// Set on a per-instance basis
  schema: schema,
  template: myengine

Custom Editor Interfaces

JSON Editor contains editor interfaces for each of the primitive JSON types as well as a few other specialized ones.

You can add custom editors interfaces fairly easily. Look at any of the existing ones for an example.

JSON Editor uses resolver functions to determine which editor interface to use for a particular schema or subschema.

Let's say you make a custom location editor for editing geo data. You can add a resolver function to use this custom editor when appropriate. For example:

// Add a resolver function to the beginning of the resolver list
// This will make it run before any other ones
$.jsoneditor.resolvers.unshift(function(schema) {
  if(schema.type === "object" && schema.format === "location") {
    return "location";
  // If no valid editor is returned, the next resolver function will be used

The following schema will now use this custom editor for each of the array elements instead of the default object editor.

  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "object",
    "format": "location",
    "properties": {
      "longitude": {
        "type": "number"
      "latitude": {
        "type": "number"

If you create a custom editor interface that you think could be helpful to others, submit a pull request!

The possibilities are endless. Some ideas:

  • Syntax highlighting code editor (Ace, Markup, etc.)
  • A compact way to edit objects
  • Radio button version of the select editor
  • Autosuggest for strings (like enum, but not restricted to those values)
  • Better editor for arrays of strings (tag editor)
  • Canvas based image editor that produces Base64 data urls

Custom Validation

JSON Editor provides a hook into the validation engine for adding your own custom validation.

Let's say you want to force all schemas with format set to date to match the pattern YYYY-MM-DD.

// Custom validators must return an array of errors or an empty array if valid
$.jsoneditor.custom_validators.push(function(schema, value, path) {
  var errors = [];
  if(schema.format==="date") {
    if(!/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(value)) {
      // Errors must be an object with `path`, `property`, and `mesage`
        path: path,
        property: 'format',
        message: 'Dates must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"'
  return errors;


JSON Schema Based Editor







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