Optimizing energy and memory efficiency for software engineering Prompts for improving algorithmic and memory efficiency of code, respectively. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1u8U8VdsJZEs6JsemhYzJIMkLyUZ4fbnL#scrollTo=P6aHBE_Sb8Fj
Call main.py in terminal followed by your openAI api key.
To use webquery download mongodb compass create a database named numbers create a collection named num upload the json file of data named mongodb_documents.json make sure its on localhost 27017 make sure u have node installed do npm i (i think this should download everything) lastly make sure the variable names match up do npm install -g typescript and then do tsc index.ts to compile run node index.js to run
To start mongo service: brew services start [email protected]
brew services stop mongodb-community brew install mongodb/brew/mongodb-community brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community
To start mongo and connect with mongo compass: mongo
Go to mongo compass and connect to local host
SQL: (Mac) To start SQL brew services start postgresql@14