An ArkScript Package Manager
- Python3.6 or above
Directions to install
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Navigate into the repo
cd nuclear
- Activate a virtual env
python3 -m venv ./venv # windows .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat # linux source ./venv/bin/activate
- Install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- If you're facing an issue where you cannot download any more tarballs, you might have been rate limited by GitHub
- To increase the rate limit, generate a personal access token
- add token to nuclear
nuclear --login --token <YOUR TOKEN HERE>
To see the help command
nuclear -h
nuclear --help
Authentication (using Github Access Token)
--token TOKEN GitHub token, required if rate limiting is an issue
To Install an ArkScript Package from Github
nuclear install [-h] [-v VERSION] package
- Positional Arguments format of the package:
- Optional Arguments
- show this help message and exit
-h, --help
- Specify a version for the package
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
To Remove an ArkScript Package
nuclear remove [-h] [-v VERSION] [-g GLOBALLY] package
- Positional Arguments: format of the package:
Optional Arguments
- show this help message and exit
-h, --help
- Specify a version for the package
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
- Remove a package from the local repositories. If not specified, remove a package from the current project packages list
-g GLOBALLY, --globally GLOBALLY
python3 -m tests