Bot for PlaceNL! Automatically loads instructions from control server.
Before installing make sure that pixel countdown is gone and that you can place a pixel
- Install this browser extenstion Tampermonkey
- Click on this link. If everithing goes well, Tampermonkey schoul offer installation of user script. Click on Install.
- Open or Reload page r/place. If everithing went well, iun top-right corner will appear "Fetching token...“. Robot is now active and it will inform you about what it is doing.
When the bot places a pixel, it may still seem like you can place a pixel even though the bot has already done it for you (so you are in a 5-minute cooldown). The bot currently does not consider the ongoing cooldown, so it assumes that when you open r/place, it can immediately place a pixel. In the worst case, your first pixel may be placed in the next cycle after 4 minutes and 59 seconds.
Works only if you have 2FA Turned off.
Click on this link, and Tampermonkey should prompt you to install the user script. Click on Install. Now, go back to r/place and refresh the page. After a while, an alert with your TOKEN should appear; copy and save it somewhere.
In the browser, open the developer tools, switch to the network tab, reload r/place, and in the request to /r/place, find "accessToken": in the response. Copy the token and use it as a parameter in the headless bot.
Video credit - fuho#7423 Linux Install Script Credit - Madeline#6969