Catalog link
I make a web site which is a catalog of somewhat linked to address in my case it is catalog of a lamps wich is instaled in the buldings. And you have an oportunity to watch lamps by address where they installed.
User can access to admin panel by the link. There is three roles: user, admin, superuser.
- user have access to watching(reading), searching, sorting address.
- admin have access to adding, edditing address and lamps.
- superuser have access to adding, edditing of all data, including users
split configuration files and move environmental variables (dev, stage, prod)- organize git repo according to heroku
- set permissions due to roles
- design home page, make menu panel always visible
after integration Flask-Alchemy and Flask Admin. I got posibility to watch and edit my models thru the admin panels. But for models wich consist mostly from fields related to another tables it was a problem with friendly user experience. In my case it was Address table. And i should to create first a street in Street table, building number in the Building table, number of entrance in the Entrance table ... After this only i will be able to create Address, thru choosing elements for my address from drop down list. My approach was to do pocibility to edit table and add new records to related fields by edit and add text right in the line of the editable table.
- I try to edit models, specifically Address table. Added constructor by passing elements of the address as the arguments to the model class for easy creation of the model.
- column_editable_list
- inline_models
- Inline form editor
- anoter one description how to add this posibility
- anoter one description how to add this posibility
- try to understand what is scaffolding
- edit_view