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The most advanced scam link filter bot for Discord

The most advanced scam link filter bot for Discord, this bot is 100% open source under MIT Licence.

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✨ Features

  • Blocking scam links.
  • Sending an embed with logs to the chosen channel.
  • Buttons under the embed to ban the user. (Dyno button not available if Dyno is not on the server.)
  • Whitelist button if the URL is safe but got banned.
  • Role and channel whitelist.
  • Using multiple databases and APIs of known scam links such as:
  • If the link sent is not known by any database, the bot will check the website in a browser:
    • Reused Discord assets checking. (If the Discord main page got dumped or partially dumped.)
    • Suspicious website title checking. (Nitro, Free nitro words...)
    • Reused webapp from Discord. (React, if the Discord main page got dumped.)
    • Cloudflare bypass. (It's sometimes not working.)
    • Not all links are scanned if not known by any database, only suspicious ones.

💾 Prerequisites

🔧 Installation

First of all, clone the GitHub project in your selected folder

# Cloning the GitHub project
git clone

You should then be able to find the cloned project

# Going in the bot directory
cd noscam-bot

# Displaying what's in the folder

If you want your bot running you'll need to change the config file with a ftp or the tool called nano. We'll use a ftp here. Copy the file named config.sample.js to config.js

# Copying a file and changing the name
cp config.sample.js config.js

Then, open the file config.js with your ftp client by copying it on your PC or opening it remotely.

Search for the line token: 'INSERT BOT TOKEN HERE' and copy the bot token that you created on the Discord developper portal.

⚠️ Be careful, never provide your bot token to anyone who you don't trust! ⚠️

Now, you'll need to install npm dependencies, without them the bot is not gonna be able to run.

# Installing dependencies
npm i

GG! The bot is ready to run on your server! Just type node index.js in your Linux terminal to run the bot. But if you leave the terminal page your bot will shutdown so we need to setup a background run for the bot.

⚙️ Post installation

Background running

Like said earlier, there's two methods for running the bot in background, Screen and pm2. We'll see in this part how to use Screen and pm2 with the bot.

Screen method

The first option is screen, this tool is letting you running your script or other program in the background with virtual screens, it's literally like running the with node index.js but this time, if you leave the window, the bot will continue to run.

If it's not already the case, install Screen on your system

# installing screen
sudo apt-get install screen

Once done, check if it's properly installed

# Checking Screen version
screen -v

It should return something like that

Screen version 4.08.00 (GNU) 05-Feb-20

Now type the following command to make your file executable

# Making your file executable
chmod +x

Now, we can start the bot with Screen!

# Starting the bot with Screen

The terminal should return Bot started! GG! Your bot is now running in the background! To access the virtual screen, you can type

# Accessing the virtual screen
screen -x noscam-bot

To leave the screen you can do the following command CTRL A and then d, to kill the screen do CTRL A and then k or just doing a CTRL C on the screen.

Here's the full Screen documentation.

pm2 method

We'll see here the pm2 method. pm2 is a powerful tool where you can monitor your bot usage in realtime but also managing it. (Restart, crash...)

First of all, you need to create an account on pm2. Then, you should land on the bucket creation page. Call your bucket noscam-bot.

Follow the instructions on pm2 after the bucket creation.

# Installing pm2 with NPM
npm install pm2 -g

# Linking pm2 to the bot
pm2 link xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Now that you have linked you can initialize the bot config on pm2 with

# Starting the bot for the first time
pm2 start pm2.config.js

Now that you've started the config for the first time, all interactions with pm2 and the bot will be

# Starting the bot
pm2 start noscam-bot

# Stopping the bot
pm2 stop noscam-bot

# Restarting the bot
pm2 restart noscam-bot

GG Your bot is now running on pm2! You can access the virtual screen with pm2 logs noscam-bot you also can do pm2 status to see what's currently running.

Everything is also manageable on the pm2 website, you can read the full doc here.


A Discord bot that blocks scams







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