- Implementation of LiveKit SDK.
- Helpful comments added
- Details for setting up local server for generating tokens.
Add your own LiveKit url and token bofore running the app.
Create Local Server: (LiveKit)
On CLI run "livekit-server" (for only local ip access) or "livekit-server --dev --bind" (for global ip access)
Open this on browser: " " it should show "Ok" message so server is up and running
Generate Tokens: (LiveKit)
Open project folder in VS Code: if npm packages not installed (run in VSCode cli: "npm install") and than run "node server.js" -> This will start a server to generate tokens
Open Postman, do a GET request to url: "localhost:3333/getToken/applicationNameOfYourChoice" e.g. localhost:3333/getToken/TestingLiveKit -> in result it will give out LiveKit token
Test Connection: (LiveKit)
Test local connection with using token got from step 3 and url as: "ws://localhost:7880" (use localhost if same machine otherwise use your ip address instead)
Connection to Room: (LiveKit )
Test using 2 participants, 1 sharing screen and other displaying the video stream.