Tags: Asnivor/MednaNet
Toggle 1.0.30's commit message
Fixed userid on user object. It will now contain the discordId if the…
…y are a discord user or the user id if they are an install
Toggle 1.0.29's commit message
Fixed bug causing user name to come through as blank
Toggle 1.0.28's commit message
Bot will now user nickname instead of username if the user has a nick…
…name set for the server.
Toggle 1.0.27's commit message
Fixed creatediscordmessage method returning a null message object
Toggle 1.0.26's commit message
CreateDiscordMessage now returns correct message object
Toggle 1.0.25's commit message
Fix createdmessage method as it would always throw an unhanded except…
…ion if a http 200 response wasn't received
Toggle 1.0.24's commit message
Added LocalDebug build option
Toggle 1.0.23's commit message
Added LocalDebug build option
Toggle 1.0.22's commit message
Bug fix, discord users being added twice
Toggle 1.0.21's commit message
Adding picking up webhook notifications
You can’t perform that action at this time.