AsoSoft Library offers basic natural language processing (NLP) algorithms for the Kurdish Language (ckb: Central branch of Kurdish). AsoSoft Library is written in C#.
- Normalizer: normalizes Kurdish text and punctuations, unifies numerals, replaces Html Entities, extracts and replaces URLs and emails, and more.
- Numeral Converter: converts any type of numbers into Kurdish words.
- Grapheme-to-Phoneme Convertor (coming soon): converts Kurdish text into syllabified phoneme string, also transliterates Kurdish texts from Arabic script into Latin script.
If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing this paper:
Author = {Aso Mahmudi, Hadi Veisi, Mohammad Mohammadamini, Hawre Hosseini},
Title = {Automated Kurdish Text Normalization خاوێن کردنی ئۆتۆماتیکی دەقی کوردی},
Booktitle = {دومین همایش مشترک بین المللی مطالعات زبان و ادبیات کردی و فارسی},
City = {Sanandaj, Iran}
Year = {2019}
Several functions needed for Central Kurdish text normalization:
Two character replacement lists are provided as the resources of the library:
- Required:
- replacing deprecated Arabic Presentation Forms (FB50–FDFF and FE70–FEFF) with corresponding standard characters.
- replacing different types of dashes and spaces
- removing Unicode control character
- Optional
- replacing special Arabic math signs with corresponding Latin characters
- replacing similar, but different letters with standard characters (e.g. ڪ,ے,ٶ with ک,ی,ؤ)
The normalization task in this function:
- for all Arabic scripts:
- Character-based replacement:
- above Replace Lists
- Private Use Area (U+E000 to U+F8FF) with White Square character
- Standardizing and removing duplicated or unnecessary Zero-Width characters
- removing unnecessary Tatweels (U+0640)
- Character-based replacement:
- only for Central Kurdish:
- standardizing Kurdish characters: ە, هـ, ی, and ک
- correcting miss-converted characters from non-Unicode fonts
- replacing word-initial ر with ڕ
the simple overloading:
AsoSoftNormalization.NormalizeKurdish("دەقے شیَعري خـــۆش. رهنگهكاني خاك");
>دەقے شێعری خۆش. ڕەنگەکانی خاک<
or the complete overloading:
var files = new List<string> {
var ReplaceList = AsoSoftNormalization.LoadNormalizerReplaces(files);
AsoSoftNormalization.NormalizeKurdish("دەقے شیَعري خـــۆش. رهنگهكاني خاك", true, true, ReplaceList);
>دەقی شێعری خۆش. ڕەنگەکانی خاک<
converts Kurdish text written in AliK fonts (developed by Abas Majid in 1997) into Unicode standard. Ali-K fonts: Alwand, Azzam, Hasan, Jiddah, kanaqen, Khalid, Sahifa, Sahifa Bold, Samik, Sayid, Sharif, Shrif Bold, Sulaimania, Traditional
AsoSoftNormalization.AliK2Unicode("ئاشناكردنى خويَندكار بة طوَرِانكاريية كوَمةلاَيةتييةكان");
>ئاشناکردنی خوێندکار بە گۆڕانکارییە کۆمەڵایەتییەکان<
converts Kurdish text written in AliK fonts into Unicode standard. Ali-Web fonts: Malper, Malper Bold, Samik, Traditional, Traditional Bold
AsoSoftNormalization.AliWeb2Unicode("هةر جةرةيانصکي مصذووُيي کة أوو دةدا");
>ھەر جەرەیانێکی مێژوویی کە ڕوو دەدا<
converts Kurdish text written in Dylan fonts (developed by Dylan Saleh at KurdSoft in 2001) into Unicode standard.
AsoSoftNormalization.Dylan2Unicode("لثكؤلثنةران بؤيان دةركةوتووة كة دةتوانث بؤ لةش بةكةصك بث");
>لێکۆلێنەران بۆیان دەرکەوتووە کە دەتوانێ بۆ لەش بەکەڵک بێ<
converts Kurdish text written in Zarnegar word processor (developed by SinaSoft with RDF convertor by NoorSoft) and into Unicode standard.
AsoSoftNormalization.Zarnegar2Unicode("بلٌيٌين و بگهرٍيٌين بوٌ ههلاٌلٌهى سىٌيهمى فهلسهفه");
>بڵێین و بگەڕێین بۆ هەڵاڵەی سێیەمی فەلسەفە<
corrects spaces before and after of the punctuations. When seprateAllPunctuations
is true,
AsoSoftNormalization.NormalizePunctuations("دەقی«کوردی » و ڕێنووس ،((خاڵبەندی )) چۆنە ؟", false);
>دەقی «کوردی» و ڕێنووس، «خاڵبەندی» چۆنە؟<
Trim starting and ending white spaces (including zero width spaces) of line,
AsoSoftNormalization.TrimLine(" دەق\u200c ");
replaces HTML Entities with single Unicode characters (e.g. "é" with "é"). It is useful in web crawled corpora.
AsoSoftNormalization.ReplaceHtmlEntity("ئێوە "دەق" لە زمانی <کوردی> دەنووسن");
>ئێوە "دەق" بە زمانی <کوردی> دەنووسن<
replaces URLs and emails with a certain word. It improves language models.
unifies numeral characters into desired numeral type from en
(0123456789) or ar
AsoSoftNormalization.UnifyNumerals("ژمارەکانی ٤٥٦ و ۴۵۶ و 456", "en");
>ژمارەکانی 456 و 456 و 456<
add a space between joined numerals and words (e.g. replacing "12کەس" with "12 کەس"). It improves language models.
AsoSoftNormalization.SeperateDigits("ساڵی1950دا1000دۆلاریان بە 5کەس دا");
>ساڵی 1950 دا 1000 دۆلاریان بە 5 کەس دا<
applies a "string to string" replacement dictionary on the text. It replaces the full-matched words not a part of them.
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "مال", "ماڵ" } };
AsoSoftNormalization.Word2WordReplacement("مال، نووری مالیکی", dict);
>ماڵ، نووری مالیکی<
applies a "char to char" replacement dictionary on the text. It uses as the final step needed for some non-Unicode systems.
It converts numerals into Central Kurdish words. It is useful in text-to-speech tools.
- integers (1100 => )
- floats (10.11)
- negatives (-10.11)
- percent (100% or %100)
- querency marks ($100, £100, and €100)
AsoSoftNumerals.Number2Word("لە ساڵی 1999دا بڕی 40% لە پارەکەیان واتە $102.1 یان وەرگرت");
>لە ساڵی هەزار و نۆسەد و نەوەد و نۆدا بڕی چل لە سەد لە پارەکەیان واتە سەد و دوو پۆینت یەک دۆلاریان وەرگرت<
In Microsoft Visual Studio, you have two choices:
- If you want to debug or change or customize the AsoSoft classes:
- inside Solution Explorer, right-click on your solution, click Add>Existing Project.
- Then right-click on your project, click Add>Project Reference...
- If you just use the AsoSoft classes:
- inside Solution Explorer, right-click on your project, click "Add Project Reference"
- click Browse, find "AsoSoftLibrary.dll", click Add.
Then, insert using AsoSoftLibrary;
into "Usings" of your class.
AsoSoft Library is written in C# (.NET Core) and it is platform independent. Using an IDE like Visual Studio 2017+ is recommended on Windows. Alternatively, VSCode should be the tool of choice on other platforms.