Chrome extension that stores website and tabs which can be accessed in future.
- Manifest Configuration (manifest.json)
- Configured the popup action to trigger a user-friendly interface for bookmark interactions.
- Utilized Chrome's tabs permission to gain access to the user's active tab information.
- User Interface (popup.html)
- Designed an interactive popup window for users to manually input website URLs or save their current tab's URL.
- Incorporated options for users to either save their input, save the current tab's URL, or delete all saved bookmarks.
- Ensured the user interface was intuitive and straightforward, displaying all saved bookmarks in a list format.
- Styling and Presentation (style.css)
- Adopted a clean and modern design with a predominant color scheme of green (#5f9341) to ensure a pleasing user experience.
- Implemented responsive design features ensuring consistent appearance across different window sizes.
- Enhanced the usability by distinguishing the "Delete All" button visually.
- Functionality and Logic (index.js)
- Leveraged the localStorage to store and retrieve the user's bookmarks, ensuring persistence across browser sessions.
- Integrated the Chrome tabs API to access and save the URL of the user's currently active tab.
- Implemented an efficient rendering function to display saved bookmarks, allowing users to click and navigate to the respective websites.
- Enabled a double-click event listener on the "Delete All" button to clear all bookmarks, providing an extra layer of protection against accidental data deletion.
- Ensured the extension does not store empty URLs by incorporating data validation checks.
Single click save tab to store the tab you are currently on.
Type website in input box and click on save website to store data given as input.
Double click delete all button to delete all stored data.