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AthletiFi Smart Contracts

This repository contains the smart contracts for AthletiFi, developed on the Polygon network.

Technologies Used

  • Solidity: The primary language for Ethereum smart contracts.
  • Truffle: A development environment for compiling, testing, and deploying Ethereum smart contracts.
  • OpenZeppelin: A library for secure smart contract development.

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd smart-contracts
  2. Install Dependencies:

    yarn install
  3. Compile Contracts:

    truffle compile


Automated test using yarn:

yarn test

Manual Testing using Truffle's Built-in Development Blockchain and Console

  1. Start Truffle Console:

    truffle develop

    This command starts a local Ethereum blockchain and provides you with a set of available accounts and their private keys. It also opens a Truffle console where you can run Truffle commands directly.

  2. Compile Contracts (if you haven't already):

    Inside the Truffle console:

  3. Migrate Contracts:

    Deploy your contracts to the local development network:

    migrate --reset
  4. Run Tests:

  5. Exit the Truffle Console:

    To leave the Truffle console, type:


Remember, when using truffle develop, you don't need to prefix commands with truffle inside the Truffle console.

Note: If you ever want to use an external Ganache or Geth instance for deployment while using the Truffle console, you can do so by running migrate --network development. This will use the "development" configuration in truffle-config.js.

Another Note: If you would like to use the built-in development blockchain without entering the Truffle console, you can run truffle develop --log. You would then need to run truffle commands in a separate terminal window and add the --network develop flag to each command.

Interactive Testing with Truffle Console

After deploying your contracts, you can interact with them directly in the Truffle development console:

Interact with Your Contracts

For example, to get the owner of the VSASummer23NFT contract:

 const nft = await VSASummer23NFT.deployed();
 const owner = await nft.owner();

Exit the Truffle Development Console

Once you're done, you can exit the console by typing .exit.

Deployment and Minting

For deployment and minting instructions, see Deploying to Polygon.


If you wish to contribute to the development of these smart contracts, please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss the changes.


This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. For full license details, see the LICENSE file in this repository.


This is where AthletiFi's smart contracts will be stored



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