Welcome to the Crossplane workshop
Let’s make sure we’ve got everything.
You need (cluster-admin) access to a K8s cluster
A local one like kind, k3d, Docker Destop etc. works
☝️ If you just want to listen, that’s fine too ☝️
☝️ Just keep in mind we got some HandsOn stuff ☝️
Credentials for AWS
☝️ This ist also optional, as we repeat only stuff we did with our local Kubernetes resources ☝️
We start using K8s itself as a resource
It cumulates in using AWS
There will be an Digitalocean example also
The cloud native control plane framework
We just use Helm to install the framework:
kubectl api-resources --api-group=apiextensions.crossplane.io helm repo add crossplane-stable https://charts.crossplane.io/stable helm repo update helm upgrade --install crossplane --create-namespace \ -n crossplane-system --set metrics.enabled=true \ crossplane-stable/crossplane --wait kubectl api-resources --api-group=apiextensions.crossplane.io
Get all Crossplane related Resources
Yes Crossplane creates
As with
kubectl get all
kubectl get crossplane
Get all managed resources
Should be empty
kubectl get managed
Check other
kubectl get crd -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,CATEGORIES:.spec.names.categories
The cloud native control plane framework
Universal control plane
We know control planes
Hey we know Kubernetes, so yes we know
It is about managing "cloud" resources
More precise:
It is about managing any resource behind an API
Crossplane provides a declarative API on top of the "cloud" resources
Allowing to bundle these resources
So we don’t write code (YAML-engineering)
Think about Crossplane like a control plane for everything
Giving you some gluecode CRDs on top
These CRDs work as usual in K8s-land
It is all about managing
Managed Resources
Like in Kubernetes
Think about having RDS-Object
Everything with an API :)
Later we install Providers
Our Cloud/API specific CRDs
Kubernetes |
Digitalocean |
Azure |
ArgoCD |
Helm |
Crossplane extends the K8s-API
Workflow is the same:
Declaring API resources
Reconciliation (looping) API resources
is still our friend <3
So Crossplane (Providers) offers something like Terraform?!
Jain 🇩🇪
It is declarative (Kubernetes way)
Crossplane offers CRDs on top of Providers CRDs
Divide between Consumers and Infra
Hint: Kube-bind → https://github.com/kube-bind/ (replacing providers)
Jain 🇩🇪
Infra defines an interface/API using CompositeResourceDefinition (XRD)
Compositions fulfill the API by bundling Managed Resources
Dev use Claims to instantiate Composite Resource (XR)
XR represents a configured Composition
A Claim is to a XR what a PVC ist to a PV
ROBERT malt ein BILD ❤️
Our Crossplane has no resources to access
We need Provider to access API driven backends
Providers are bundled as OCI-Images
Extends Crossplane with new Managed Resource Types
CRDs for Cloud Resources
Talks with the Cloud-API
Needs credentials (ProviderConfig)
Installs a Deployment
Lists of Providers
While Provider installs the provider control plane
ProviderConfig configures the provider control plane
Most likely providing Credentials ☝️
Reconciliation Loop all the time
All as Code
GitOps (aka everything is in Git)
Shifting Left (to the Devs)
Giving Complexity to the Ops aka Infra