Auto-GNAS is a general parallel graph neural architecture search framework for researchers and developers to achieve different tasks on graph.
The framework of Auto-GNAS is as follows:
2022.02.10 Our work Auto-GNAS: A Parallel Graph Neural Architecture Search Framework is accepted by TPDS 2022.
2021.04.15 Our work GraphPAS: Parallel Architecture Search for Graph Neural Networks is accepted by SIGIR 2021 [Code].
- Auto-GNAS supports user-defined almost all module functions easily.
- Auto-GNAS provides an interface for user-defined search algorithms to easily achieve parallel evaluation capabilities based on CPU or GPU.
- Ensure you have installed CUDA 10.2 before installing other packages
1. Nvidia and CUDA 10.2:
[Nvidia Driver]
[CUDA 10.2 Download and Install Command]
wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/10.2/Prod/local_installers/cuda_10.2.89_440.33.01_linux.run
sudo sh cuda_10.2.89_440.33.01_linux.run
2. Python environment: recommending using Conda package manager to install
conda create -n autognas python=3.7
source activate autognas
3. Pytorch 1.8.1: execute the following command in your conda env automsr
pip install torch==1.8.1+cu102 torchvision==0.9.1+cu102 torchaudio==0.8.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
4. Pytorch Geometric 2.0.2: execute the following command in your conda env automsr
pip install torch-scatter==2.0.9 torch-sparse==0.6.12 torch-cluster==1.5.9 torch-spline-conv==1.2.1 torch-geometric==2.0.2 -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.8.0+cu102.html
5. Ray 1.7.0: execute the following command in your conda env automsr
pip install ray==1.7.0
Users can refer to the following easy cases to understand how to:
- Define your graph data
- Define your configuration file
- Implement node classification task
- Implement graph classification task
- Implement link prediction task
Auto-GNAS is very friendly for users to implement customization, users can freely define their own functional components as long as they follow the custom specification and Auto-GNAS will automatically load user-defined components. Users can know the custom specification of each functional component in the following list, which is very simple. The list of definable components is as follows:
1. Search Space
- Attention
- Aggregation
- Multi-head number
- Hidden dimension
- Activation
- Layer number
- user can defined this parameter in the ini configuration file at the [gnn_parameter] gnn_layers
3. GNN Training
Users can use the API to implement parallel evaluation capabilities for their own search algorithms
from autognas.parallel import ParallelOperater,ParallelConfig
# obtain the user-defined graph data object
graph = UserCustomGraphData()
# open parallel estimation mode
# initialize parallel operator object
parallel_estimation = ParallelOperater(graph)
# obtain multiple GNN architectures as a list from search algorithm
gnn_architecture_list = UserCustomSearchAlgorithm()
# obtain the parallel estimation result
parallel_result = parallel_estimation.estimation(gnn_architecture_list)
This is the top-level API of Auto-GNAS, users can use the default search algorithm to achieve different graph tasks
import os
import configparser
from autognas.auto_model import AutoModel
from autognas.parallel import ParallelConfig
from autognas.datasets.planetoid import Planetoid
# open parallel estimation mode
# obtain graph object
graph = Planetoid("cora").data
# obtain gnn training and search algorithm configuration
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..")) + "/config/node_classification_config/graphpas.ini"
# obtain configuration dict
search_parameter = dict(config.items('search_parameter'))
gnn_parameter = dict(config.items("gnn_parameter"))
# automatic search the optimal gnn architecture and logging experiment result
AutoModel(graph, search_parameter, gnn_parameter)
The API can help users realize the training and testing of GNN models for user-defined gnn architecture
from autognas.model.stack_gcn import StackGcn
from autognas.datasets.planetoid import Planetoid
# obtain graph data object
graph = Planetoid("cora").data
# gnn architecture list
architecture=['gcn', 'sum', 1, 64, 'tanh', 'gcn', 'sum', 1, 64, 'tanh']
# initialize GNN model object based on graph data and gnn architecture
model = StackGcn(graph_data=graph,gnn_architecture=architecture)
# gnn model training
# gnn model testing
1. Search Space
Architecture Component | Value |
Attention | gat / gcn / cos / const / sym-gat / linear / gene-linear |
Aggregation | mean / max / sum |
Multi-head number | 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 |
Hidden Dimension | 8 / 16 / 32 / 64 / 128 / 256 |
Activation | tanh / sigmoid / relu / linear / relu6 / elu / leaky_relu / softplus |
2. Search Algorithm
3. GNN Training
Name | Value |
Optimizer function | adam |
loss function | nll_loss / binary_cross_entropy / binary_cross_entropy_with_logits / cross_entropy_loss |
evaluator function | accuracy / recall / f1 score / precision / roc_auc_score |
4. Downstream Task Model
5. Datasets
from autognas.datasets.planetoid import Planetoid
# node classification:cora; citeseer; pubmed for your configuration
graph = Planetoid(data_name="cora",train_splits=0.5, val_splits=0.3, shuffle_flag=True, random_seed=123).data
# node classification:cora; citeseer; pubmed for default configuration
graph = Planetoid("cora").data
# graph classification: AIDS; BZR; COX2; DHFR; MUTAG; PROTEINS for your configuration
graph = Planetoid(data_name="AIDS",train_splits=0.6, val_splits=0.2, shuffle_flag=True, random_seed=55).data
# graph classification: AIDS; BZR; COX2; DHFR; MUTAG; PROTEINS for default configuration
graph = Planetoid("ADIS").data
# link prediction: cora_lp; citeseer_lp; pubmed_lp for your configuration
graph = Planetoid(data_name="cora_lp",train_splits=0.6, val_splits=0.2, shuffle_flag=True, random_seed=55).data
# link prediction: cora_lp; citeseer_lp; pubmed_lp for default configuration
graph = Planetoid("ADIS").data
- Data mini batch operation is decoupled from estimation process √
- Reconstruct input graph data class standard for autognas, require the input graph data class that have done mini-batch data pre-processing √
If you think Auto-GNAS is useful tool for you, please cite our paper, thank you for your support:
author={Chen, Jiamin and Gao, Jianliang and Chen, Yibo and Oloulade, Babatounde MOCTARD and Lyu, Tengfei and Li, Zhao},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
title={Auto-GNAS: A Parallel Graph Neural Architecture Search Framework},
title={GraphPAS: Parallel Architecture Search for Graph Neural Networks},
author={Chen, Jiamin and Gao, Jianliang and Chen, Yibo and Oloulade, Moctard Babatounde and Lyu, Tengfei and Li, Zhao},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},