The "Netfabb Application Server" (short: NAS) is a server (or: service) program written in Go, exposing a RESTful webservice API to client programs for a central storage system and distributed task management.
- A Storage Server part that connects netfabb Desktop clients together (the Netfabb Desktop software contains already a client for it)
- A Task manager feature allowing to distribute jobs among multiple clients
- A basic authentication concept with usernames/salted password and against the Autodesk Authentication service is implemented
- Logging and persistence are provided with a SQLLite database
- The central services are working in dialog with an Autodesk Netfabb client implementation
As a starting point please look into the "doc" directory.
NAS is an open source project. Contributions are welcome and we are looking for people that can improve existing functionality or create new integrations. Have a look at the contributor's guide for details.
- NAS has a BSD-3-Clause license
- NAS uses these 3rd Party components