The open sourced runtime for the Rust-built wgpu-based game engine. Cross-platform and works with multiple graphics APIs. Currently being ported for embedded web usage via WebGPU. This is an all-in-one runtime is currently limited to editing code in an external editor. In-engine CLI can bundle game directories into "carts" contained as binary data injected onto a png image. Think of it as Pico8 for the Playstation 1. The release build with some additional developer niceties is currently closed source. It can be downloaded on
A Rust-built Lua superset interpreter and runtime. Currently stack-based with opinionated bytecode representation and optional syntactic sugar hidden behind feature flags. Intended for use by Petrichor64.
A monolithic repo containing Version 3 of,, and the Rust-built axum/tower backend
WIP, an excessive demonstration of multiple front-end and back-end frameworks and languages.
- 🥝Green- WIP Spring with Kotlin backend and react front end
- 🐬Cyan- WIP A go and htmx backend with tailwind styling
- 🫐Blue- WIP a simple ASP.NET Core with C# back end and React front end
- 🫒Olive- WIP a Nest.js back end with a Nuxt.js front end
♦️ Red- Ruby on Rails,coming soon!- 🦀Orange- Leptos, coming soon!
- The Omni Stack- WIP containerized stack series repos into a single page. A challenge, and an abomination.
- Petrichor64 landing page & command list- part of the site delta mono repo
- A multiplayer 3D board game experience with editable terrain, physics, and chat
- A holiday letter maker using Three.js and signature copying and writing mechanism
- A proof of concept draggable signed distance field (SDF) modeling system
- ConnectReport report converter- converts an html generated report into a more compact format
- Golang PC controller "gontroller"- simple script intended to control computers on network with simple http listen server to easily reboot or other utlity purposes from something like a home assistant instance
- Petrichor64 see above
- Silt-Lua see above
- A pre-cursor to Petrichor64
- Sosh a constantly evolving thing, now a 3d react chat client with elixir backend
- The old version 2 of my personal website
- "Pixel Perfect"- an attempt at replicating UX from just a photo alone
- Desk.js- an experiment in allowing all 10 fingers to both move and resize multiple window panes simultaneously
- A minecraft mod- Ancient. Back when everyone was modding that game the hard way, my introduction to OpenGL. My oldest github project.