A iCloud Bypass app!
if you are on mac, you will need to compile using gcc bypass.c -o bypass
and run ./bypass
then your done! make sure you connect ur idevice or it will
not work!
ok so... now on linux?
simply download the latest release and ./bypassr
and your done!
it's completely made in C
hey hey, its a shell script! not a c program ok. its made in shell i compiled it to C even if you turn it into a EXE nd run it, it will not work. it will simply fail to bypass, as you need to JB with checkra1n.
only works on checkra1n and any other JB that has iproxy SSH support. recommended to use checkra1n
Simply works by clearing the old icloud user cache and deleting setup.app. and respringing the device, killing backboardd
read ERRORS.md and reset to fix this issue.
that's your fault dumbo. our method is completely simple.
in late 2021.
Me =)