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OpenWapp is a open client for a well-known mobile IM service

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This branch is 115 commits behind mozillahispano/openwapp:master.

Folders and files

Last commit message
Last commit date
Dec 24, 2014
Nov 25, 2014
Dec 8, 2014
May 29, 2014
May 29, 2014
May 29, 2014
May 29, 2014
Nov 25, 2014
May 29, 2014
May 29, 2014
May 29, 2014
Nov 25, 2014
Nov 6, 2014
May 29, 2014
Dec 20, 2014
May 29, 2014
May 29, 2014
May 29, 2014
Dec 20, 2014

Repository files navigation

OpenWapp HTML5 webapp

  • Note: We are now the official repo. Yay!

Workstation configuration


  • Node.js (0.10.x)
  • Ruby
  • Firefox (Nightly)


We are using the following setup

  • Node for running grunt (make-like tool), which we use to run tests and builds
  • Ruby for running compass (css compiler)
  • Bower for managing client-side dependencies

The setup process is a bit convoluted but needs to be done only once.

How to install the requirements

Install Node.js

Download it from Make sure to not select the 0.10.

Install Bower and Grunt npm modules globally:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli bower
  • Note: add sudo if you are on Linux. It is not needed on MacOS.

Install needed modules from npm, RubyGems and Bower:

$ npm install
$ gem install bundler && bundle install
$ bower install


If after updating the code the tests or jshint are failing, maybe you have outdated dependencies. First thing to do is to update all the dependencies:

$ npm install
$ bundle install
$ bower install

Sometimes npm install does weird things, if you keep receiving errors when executing it, just remove the node_modules folder inside the repo and execute npm install again.

To check that all the dependencies are correctly installed, do a npm list and check that no errors appear.


How to run

Run a webserver which watches for file changes and auto compiles SASS/CoffeScript code:

$ grunt server

You can leave the console open while you work and it will keep compiling the assets, and reloading the page automatically.

You can open this in Firefox Nightly to debug: http://localhost:9000.

How to run unit tests and jshint (syntax checking [aka lint])

Execute all the JSHint checks:

$ grunt jshint

Execute all the tests from the command line via PhantomJS:

$ grunt test

Or just run a webserver to be able execute the tests from any browser:

$ grunt server:test

The server will be listening at http://localhost:9002

Important note

Before committing code, be sure that the code passes the JSHint checks and all the tests. You can run grunt with no arguments to check that everything is ok.

To install a git hook that automatically runs grunt before every commit, create a file called .git/hooks/pre-commit with the following content:


grunt jshint > /dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "There are JSHint errors... aborting commit" && exit 1

grunt test > /dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "The tests are failing... aborting commit" && exit 1

exit 0

Note: Don't forget to give execution permissions to this file!

How to deploy

Run a server with the deployable version of the app:

$ grunt server:dist

This will have all the minimized JS and CSS code into single files.

To create the distributable code, just run:

$ grunt

This will create all the HTML, CSS, JS and assets into the dist/ folder.

Code Structure

MVC-like system

We are using Backbone as the MVC-like system, sometimes referred to as MVV when it's in the client side since there are not really controllers.

Templating system

Due to the limitations of the OWD we are using Handlebars instead of the more commonly used Underscore system. Handlebars has the advantage of pre-compiling the templates.

Templates use extension .hbs. Documentation can be found in Handlebars and mustache sites.

Javascript can't be used in templates, although Helpers can be used when extra functionality is needed.

During development, templates are compiled by grunt into .tmp/scripts/templates.js. This is very useful for debugging.


Unit Testing

We are using mocha for unit testing. We are using the BDD mode of mocha. We complement it with chaijs for expectations (e.g. expect(variable).to.equal("pepe")).

Test cases are stored in test/spec and should follow the same directory structure as the matching javascript files.

The test suite is defined in test/index.html.

Running tests

Run tests in command-line using grunt test or run them in a web page using grunt server:test. The latter method allows for easily viewing the results, choosing one particular test to repeat etc.

Example test case using mocha:

'use strict';
describe('models/auth tests', function () {
  var AuthModel;

  before(function (done) {
    ], function (model) {
      AuthModel = model;

  it('should initialize with empty parameters', function () {
    var auth = new AuthModel();

Example stub usage:

var credStub = sinon.stub(authStorage, 'load');
credStub.returns({userId: 'chuck', password: 'pass'});
// now, any call to authStorage.load will use the stub
// ...
credStub.restore(); // restore normal authStorage function

### Example mock usage:

// we use prototype because we want to intercept all instances
var mock = sinon.mock(AuthModel.prototype);

var auth = new AuthModel();
auth.set({ loggedIn: true });

// Always call verify() to run expectations

Example mocking the clock to travel to the future:

// Initialize the clock stub
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();


// Travel 16 seconds to the future

// Do the expectations

// Always restore the clock!

When to use what

Mocks documentation is in Sinonjs site.

  • Use expect to verify that return values comply with what is required
  • Use stubs when you want to return static objects or values for some calls.
  • Use mocks when you want to test the behaviour of a method.

Notes about testing

Use of globals is disallowed in tests by default. This is enforced by mocha and will be triggered during testing. Configuration for allowed globals is in test/index.html.

Testing with simulator

We are working with a target of v1_0_1 for the Gaia user interface (the interface that you see on the device). The standalone simulator allows you to choose a specific version so it's ideal for us.

Install the simulator

We will be using the latest b2g18_v1_0_1 (Gecko v18, Gaia version 1.0.1), get it from mozilla

  • Download and install the package for your system

Install gaia

Clone the repository

  git clone

Create local configuration file

Make sure to have a grunt.local.json file that has the correct paths for your B2G installation and your gaia installation.

There is a sample file that you should copy. Your local file is not to be uploaded to the git repo.

Launch the simulator

Launch the simulator using:

  grunt simulate

If you want to have some pre-generated contacts, copy contacts.json.sample to contacts.json before executing:

  grunt simulate

To remove the generated contacts:

  grunt clean-contacts

Internally, the 'simulator' task will do:

  • Create a soft link from the GAIA apps home to the DIST directory of the application. This means you don't have to copy any files there.
  • Build the application and copy all files to DIST directory
  • Kill the simulator if it's already running
  • Launch the simulator with the correct profile

Testing with the device

Assuming you have installed Gaia, as described above. You can use the following tasks:

Install only your application

  grunt push

Clean all applications and install again (make-gaia)

  grunt push-clean

Reset the device properties and applications and install

  grunt push-hard


CSS/Stylesheets - SASS

We are using sass syntax (the indented one) instead of scss for clarity.

Files are stored in app/styles.

We are using compass for its mixins and sprite compilation.

compass (which calls sass) is automatically invoked when running grunt tasks.

Optional tools

nvm node version manager

If you need to have multiple versions of node, nvm helps manage them. There are some known incompatibilities between phantomjs and node 0.10.0 at the time of this writing (2013.03.19).

To make sure everything works, install the 0.10.1 version (you can also use the older 0.8.x versions).

curl | sh

Set 0.10.1 as the default node:

nvm ls
nvm install 0.10.1
nvm use 0.10.1
nvm alias default 0.10.1
          (to set default version)


OpenWapp is a open client for a well-known mobile IM service






No packages published


  • JavaScript 81.3%
  • CSS 18.5%
  • Other 0.2%