This is a task to Acid corporate with the functionality of fetching products from CSV file and render those products as api requests
it is a laravel project with simple installing steps
Steps to produce
1- clone project to new folder
2- create empty database
3- copy .env.example and rename it to be .env
4- update .env file replace following variables with your new created database variables
5- run command php artisan migrate to implement database tables
6- run command php artisan serv to start your server environment with <<localhost/port>>
7- please check next endpoints a. upload csv file endpoint : <<localhost/port>>/api/products/import METHOD : POST Data : file with name products
curl --location --request POST '<<localhost/port>>/api/products/import' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--form 'products=@"<<Path to file>>"'
b. get all products endpoint : <<localhost/port>>/api/products/all METHOD : GET
curl --location --request GET '<<localhost/port>>/api/products/all'
c. get single product data endpoint : <<localhost/port>>/api/products/{part_number} METHOD: GET
curl --location --request GET '<<localhost/port>>/api/products/{part_number}'