Welcome to my GitHub!
I am a Front End Developer with Full Stack ambitions and a passion for health!
I have a degree from Medieinstitutets 'Front End Developer' education (class of 2022-2024), which included quite a bit Back End development (API's, databases, etc).
My public repos include a variety of old school projects - coded throughout my years at Medieinstitutet.
Among other projects, I created a Portfolio during first year of FE-studies, introducing myself as a Frontend Developer!
Don't miss checking out my degree project - a guide to help women with Gestational Diabetes manage their blood sugar naturally!
Visit the deployed site --> A Natural Guide to Gestational Diabetes 🛸, and feel free to share it with anyone who you think can benefit from the information! ✨️
If you're interested in seeing the code behind the site - check out the repo! 🤓
I am in the process of refactoring my degree project, as well as building a different (secret) project from scratch - stay tuned for these! 🤩
Happy reading and happy coding!
Best, Ayngie