In this repository, you can find links that I find useful in the fields of python, machine learning and deep learning that you can access for free. I will update regularly, feel free to contribute too.
- Udacity - Introduction to Python Programming
- Coursera - Programming for Everybody(Getting Started with Python)
- Coursera - Python Basics
- Youtube - Python Tutorials
- Youtube - Advanced Python
- Turkcell Akademi - Python Türkçe
- BTK - Sıfırdan İleri Seviye Python Programlama
- Python For Beginners
- Python Tutorials
- Python tutorials for beginners
- Real Python Tutorials
- Full Stack Python
- GeeksforGeeks - Python
- freeCodeCamp - Python
- AlphaCodingSkills
- Google's Python Class
- w3schools Python
- Youtube - Machine Learning — Andrew Ng, Stanford University
- Udacity - Introduction to Machine Learning Course
- Coursera - Introduction to Machine Learning
- Udacity - Machine Learning
- Youtube - Scikit Learn Tips
- Udacity - Reinforcement Learning
- Udacity - Machine Learning for Trading
- Udacity - Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning
- Coursera - Machine Learning for All
- Turkcell Akademi - Machine Learning(Turkish)
- Youtube - Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Full Course
- Youtube - Introduction to Machine Learning — Dmitry Kobak
- Youtube - Making Friends with Machine Learning
- Youtube - Machine Learning Lecture WS 2021/22
- Youtube - Mert Çobanov Makine Öğrenmesi Dersleri
- Youtube - Applied Machine Learning
- Youtube - Machine Learning
- Udacity - Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch
- Turkcell Akademi - Deep Learning(Turkish)
- BTK - Keras İle Derin Öğrenmeye Giriş
- Youtube - MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
- Youtube - Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022
- Youtube - Deep Learning: CS 182 Spring 2021
- Youtube - Deep Unsupervised Learning -- Berkeley Spring 2020
- Youtube - NYU Deep Learning SP21
- Youtube - Deep Learning for Computer Vision (DL4CV)@WIS, Spring 2021
- Youtube - Deep Learning for Computer Vision