requires gnuplot for graphing, a modern terminal like windows terminal on windows
history file is stored in ~/.config/kalc.history
or C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\kalc.history
config file is stored in ~/.config/kalc.config
or C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\kalc.config
you can set permanent variables and functions in the file ~/.config/kalc.vars
or C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\kalc.vars
parsing tries to comply with wolfram alpha
- might fix: 0's and infinities of trig functions dont show up as 0 or infinity. i cant conceive of a nice way to fix this
- might fix: matrix to a fractional power is unsupported like {{2,3},{6,7}}^1.5. i have no formal learning in matrixes i might try once i learn more
- wont fix: sin^-4!(2) fails to parse
- wont fix: sin^(-4+2)(2) will not parse as sin(2)^(-4+2)
rust>=1.70.0 diffutils gcc m4 make
git clone
cd kalc
cargo build --release
Usage: kalc [FLAGS] function_1 function_2 function_3...
FLAGS: --help (this message)
--tau fractions are shown in tau instead of pi
--deg compute in degrees
--rad compute in radians
--grad compute in gradians
--2d=[num] number of points to graph in 2D
--3d=[num] number of points to graph in 3D
--xr=[min],[max] x range for graphing
--yr=[min],[max] y range for graphing
--zr=[min],[max] z range for graphing
--point [char] point style for graphing
--sci toggles scientific notation
--base=[num] sets the number base (2,8,16)
--prompt toggles the prompt
--color toggles color
--comma toggles comma seperation
--vars toggles default variables
--line toggles line graphing
--rt toggles real time printing
--polar toggles displaying polar vectors
--frac toggles fraction display
--frac_iter=[num] how many iterations to check for fractions
--prec=[num] sets the precision
--deci=[num] sets how many decimals to display, -1 for length of terminal, -2 for maximum decimal places, may need to up precision for more decimals
--def ignores config file
--multi toggles multi line display for matrixes
--tabbed toggles tabbed display for matrixes
--debug displays computation time in nanoseconds
- flags can be executed in runtime just without the dashes
- Type "exit" to exit the program
- Type "clear" to clear the screen
- Type "history [arg]" to see the history, arg indexes it if specified
- Type "vars" to list all variables
- Type "lvars" to list all variables without equating them
- Type "_" to use the previous answer
- Type "a={expr}" to define a variable
- Type "f(x)=..." to define a function
- Type "f(x,y,z...)=..." to define a multi variable function
- Type "...=" display parsed input, show values of stuff like xr/deci/prec etc
- Type "f...=null" to delete a function or variable
- Type "{x,y,z...}" to define a cartesian vector
- Type "[radius,theta,phi]" to define a polar vector (same as car{vec})
- Type "{vec}#" to graph a vector
- Type "{mat}#" to graph a matrix
- Type "number#" to graph a complex number
- Type "{{a,b,c},{d,e,f},{g,h,i}}" to define a 3x3 matrix
- +, -, *, /, ^, %, <, >, <=, >=, |(abs)
- !x (subfact), x! (fact)
- && (and), || (or), == (equals), != (not equals)
- >> (right shift), << (left shift)
Trigonometric functions:
- sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan(x,y)
- csc, sec, cot, acsc, asec, acot
- sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh
- csch, sech, coth, acsch, asech, acoth
Other functions:
- sqrt, cbrt, square, cube
- ln, log(base,num), root(base,exp), sum(func,var,start,end), prod(func,var,start,end) (start and end are rounded to integers)
- abs, sgn, arg
- ceil, floor, round, int, frac
- fact(real), subfact(natural)
- sinc, cis, exp
- zeta, gamma, erf, erfc, digamma, ai, binomial/bi (all real only)
- deg(to_degrees), rad(to_radians), grad(to_gradians) (all real only)
- re, im, max(x,y), min(x,y)
Vector operations/functions:
- *,/,+,-,^
- dot({vec1},{vec2}), cross({vec1},{vec2}), proj/project({vec1},{vec2})
- angle({vec1},{vec2})
- norm, normalize
- abs, len
- part({vec},col)
- convert to polar: pol{vec} outputs (radius, theta, phi)
- convert to cartesian: car{vec} outputs (x, y, z)
- other functions are applied like sqrt{2,4}={sqrt(2),sqrt(4)}
Matrix operations/functions:
- *,/,+,-,^
- trace/tr, determinant/det, inverse/inv
- transpose/trans, adjugate/adj, cofactor/cof, minor
- part({mat},col,row)
- abs, norm
- len, wid
- rotate(theta) produces a rotational matrix
- other functions are applied like sqrt{{2,4},{5,6}}={{sqrt(2),sqrt(4)},{sqrt(5),sqrt(6)}}
- c: speed of light, 299792458 m/s
- g: gravity, 9.80665 m/s^2
- G: gravitational constant, 6.67430E-11 m^3/(kg*s^2)
- h: planck's constant, 6.62607015E-34 J*s
- ec: elementary charge, 1.602176634E-19 C
- me: electron mass, 9.1093837015E-31 kg
- mp: proton mass, 1.67262192369E-27 kg
- mn: neutron mass, 1.67492749804E-27 kg
- ev: electron volt, 1.602176634E-19 J
- kc: coulomb's constant, 8.9875517923E9 N*m^2/C^2
- na: avogadro's number, 6.02214076E23 1/mol
- r: gas constant, 8.31446261815324 J/(mol*K)
- kb: boltzmann constant, 1.380649E-23 J/K
- phi: golden ratio, 1.6180339887~
- e: euler's number, 2.7182818284~
- pi: pi, 3.1415926535~
- tau: tau, 6.2831853071~
> 1+1
> f(x)=sin(2x)
> f(x) // graphs f(x) in 2D
> f(pi/2) // evaluates f(x) at x=pi/2, so sin(2pi/2)=sin(pi)=0
> f(x,y)=x^2+y^2
> f(1,2) // evaluates f(x,y) at x=1, y=2, so 1^2+2^2=5
> f(x,y) // graphs f(x,y) in 3D
> a=3^3
> cbrt(a)
> im(exp(xi)) // graphs the imag part of exp(xi) in 2D, so sin(x)
> f(x,y,z,w)=x+y+z+w
> f(1,2,3,4) // evaluates f(x,y,z,w) at x=1, y=2, z=3, w=4, so 1+2+3+4=10
> f(x,y,2,5) // graphs f(x,y,2,5) in 3D with z=2 and w=5 so x+y+2+5
> f(x,y,2,5)= // displays how its parsed
> f(2,5,x,y) // graphs f(2,5,x,y) in 3D with x=2 and y=5 so 2+5+x+y, to graph x and y have to be the unknown variables
> |z| // graphs |(x+yi)| in 3D
> deg // enables degrees
> pol({5,3,2}+{1,2,3}) // prints {magnitude, theta, phi} of {5,3,2}+{1,2,3}
echo -ne 'sqrt(pi) \n pi^2'|kalc
kalc 'sqrt(pi)' 'pi^2'
echo -ne 'sin(x)#cos(x)'|kalc // graphs sin(x) and cos(x) in 2D
kalc 'sin(x)#cos(x)' // graphs sin(x) and cos(x) in 2D
chars available for point style:
. - dot
+ - plus
x - cross
* - star
s - empty square
S - filled square
o - empty circle
O - filled circle
t - empty triangle
T - filled triangle
d - empty del (upside down triangle)
D - filled del (upside down triangle)
r - empty rhombus
R - filled rhombus