v0.0.26 release
Whats Changed
- Add support of env var convention used by azure sdk by @weinong in #174
- update release archives to omit unnecessary file by @weinong in #176
Bug fixes
- fix/release tagging by Tatsinnit in #189
Doc Update
- update doc with interactive login index by @weinong in #175
- Go-report and cli flare addition. by @Tatsinnit in #178
- Add go reference for this repo. by @Tatsinnit in #181
- Enable CodeQL Analysis. by @Tatsinnit in #179
- Possible enhancement - Add changelog for this repo for automating release tags. ❤️☕️💡 by @Tatsinnit in #177
Experimental Features
- build: add support for Ubuntu snap package by @Exodus in #182
- update workflow to build and publish snap package by @weinong in #183
New Contributors
- @Tatsinnit made their first contribution in #178
- @Exodus made their first contribution in #182