Extracted the Rails generators from the Cucumber gem, inspired by this posting on the Cukes Mailing List.
The goal is to provide i18n of the webrat_steps.rb plus some other useful enhancements.
gem install cucumber-rails
Once you install the gem, the generators will be available to all Rails applications on your system. If you run script/generate without any additional arguments you should see the available generators listed.
To run the generator, go to your rails project directory and call it using the script/generate or script/destroy command.
script/generate cucumber
cucumber: Sets up Cucumber in your Rails project
feature: Generates a skeleton for a new feature
To view the README for each generator, run it with the –help option.
script/generate cucumber --help
This project has tests, but for practical and historical reasons they live in a different project: github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber-rails-test/