Swagger Py Codegen is a Python web framework generator, which can help you generate a Python web framework automatically based on a given Swagger Specification doc. Currently, the following languages/frameworks are supported:
Alpha version for now, it may not handle all validation properly. If you found a bug, feel free to contact us.
pip install swagger-py-codegen
Create all:
swagger_py_codegen --swagger-doc api.yml example-app
Command Options:
-s, --swagger, --swagger-doc Swagger doc file. [required]
-f, --force Force overwrite.
-p, --package Package name / application name.
-t, --template-dir Path of your custom templates directory.
--spec, --specification Generate online specification json response.
--ui Generate swagger ui.
-tlp, --templates gen flask/tornado/falcon templates, default flask.
--version Show current version.
--help Show this message and exit.
Generate example-app from api.yml:
$ swagger_py_codegen -s api.yml example-app -p demo
$ tree (flask-demo)
|__ api.yml
|__ example-app
|__ demo
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ v1
| |__ api
| | |__ __init__.py
| | |__ pets.py
| | |__ pets_petId.py
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ routes.py
| |__ schemas.py
| |__ validators.py
|__ requirements.txt
$ swagger_py_codegen -s api.yml example-app -p demo -tlp=tornado
$ tree (tornado-demo)
|__ api.yml
|__ example-app
|__ demo
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ core
| |__ __init.py
| |__ v1
| |__ api
| | |__ __init__.py
| | |__ pets.py
| | |__ pets_petId.py
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ routes.py
| |__ schemas.py
| |__ validators.py
|__ requirements.txt
$ swagger_py_codegen -s api.yml example-app -p demo -tlp=falcon
$ tree (falcon-demo)
|__ api.yml
|__ example-app
|__ demo
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ v1
| |__ api
| | |__ __init__.py
| | |__ pets.py
| | |__ pets_petId.py
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ routes.py
| |__ schemas.py
| |__ validators.py
|__ requirements.txt
$ swagger_py_codegen -s api.yml example-app -p demo -tlp=sanic
$ tree (sanic-demo)
|__ api.yml
|__ example-app
|__ demo
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ v1
| |__ api
| | |__ __init__.py
| | |__ pets.py
| | |__ pets_petId.py
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ routes.py
| |__ schemas.py
| |__ validators.py
|__ requirements.txt
Install example-app requirements:
$ cd example-app
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Start example-app:
$ cd demo
$ python __init__.py
And generate example-app-ui from api.yml with ui:
$ swagger_py_codegen -s api.yml example-app-ui -p demo-ui --ui --spec
Then you can visit in a browser.
See the wiki
component | compatibility |
OpenAPI Spec | 2.0 |
Python | 2.*, 3.*(Sanic only 3.*) |
See the AUTHORS.